
Manuscripts in preparation or under review

Lustig, C., & Sarter, M. (in press).  Attention and the cholinergic system: Relevance to schizophrenia.  In T.W. Robbins and B.J. Sahakian (Eds.) Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences:  Translational Neuropharmacology.

Reuter-Lorenz, P.A., & Lustig, C. (in press).  Working memory and executive functions in the aging brain.  In R. Cabeza, L. Nyberg, and D.C. Park (Eds.). Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging:  Linking Cognitive and Cereberal Aging, 2nd Edition.

Kim, K., Bohnen, N., Mueller, & Lustig, C. (in revision). Compensatory dopaminergic-cholinergic interactions in conflict processing: Evidence from patients with Parkinson’s Disease.

Lin, Z. & Lustig, C. (in revision). Don’t pay attention! Paradoxical effects of monetary incentive on attention and mind-wandering in older adults.

Kim, K., Mueller, M., Bohnen, N., Sarter, M., & Lustig, C. (submitted). Cortical cholinergic integrity predicts the ability to resist distraction: Evidence from patients with Parkinson’s Disease.

Kim, K., Lustig, C., Bohnen, N., & Gehring, W. (in prep, draft available). Local gamma band synchronization and distractor resistance.


2015 – 2018

Lustig, C., & Droit-Volet, S. (2017). The times of our lives.  (Introduction to Volume 1 of the special issue of Timing and Development Across the Lifespan).  Timing and Time Perception, 5, 1-4. DOI: 10.1163/22134468-00002084

Droit-Volet, S., & Lustig, C. (2017). Time as a window on development (Introduction to Volume 2 of the special issue of Timing and Development Across the Lifespan).  Timing and Time Perception, 5, 123-127.

Kim, K., Mueller, M., Bohnen, N., Sarter, M., & Lustig, C. (2017).  Thalamic cholinergic innervation makes a specific bottom-up contribution to signal detection: Evidence from patients with Parkinson’s Disease with defined cholinergic losses.  NeuroImage. 149, 295-304.

Berry, A.S., Sarter, M., & Lustig, C. (2017).  Distinct frontoparietal networks underlying attentional effort and cognitive control.  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 29, 1212-1225.

Xie, B., Larson, J.L., Gonzalez, R., Pressler, S.J., Lustig, C., & Arslanian-Engoren, C. (2017).  Components and indicators of frailty measures: A literature review. The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 6, 76-82.

Flegal, K., & Lustig, C. (2016).  You can go your own way: Effectiveness of participant-driven versus experimenter-driven processing strategies in memory training and transfer, Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 4, 389-417.  DOI: 10.1080/13825585.2015.1108386

Lustig, C., & Sarter, M. (2016). Attention and the cholinergic system:  Relevance to schizophrenia. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, 28, 327-362.

Sarter, M., Lustig, C., Berry, A.S., Gritton, H., Howe, W.H., & Parikh, V. (2016). What do phasic cholinergic signals do? Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 130, 135-141. DOI: 10.1016/j.nlm.2016.02.008

Turgeon, M., Lustig, C., & Meck, W.H. (2016). Cognitive aging and time perception: Roles of Bayesian optimization and degeneracy.  Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 6.

Sarter, M., Lustig, C., Blakely, R.D., & Cherian, A. (2016). Cholinergic genetics of visual attention:  human and mouse choline transporter capacity variants influence distractibility. Journal of Physiology: Paris. doi: 10.1016/j.jphysparis.2016.07.001

Lustig, C., & Lin Z. (2015).  Memory: Behavioral and neural bases.  In K.L. Schaie and S.L. Willis (Eds). Handbook of Psychology of Aging (pp. 147-165).  Academic Press.

Eichenbaum, H., & Lustig, C. (2015).  Cognitive control: Diversity of domains, parallels in mechanism.  Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 1, iv-vii. doi:10.1016/j.cobeha.2014.12.004

Berry, A.S., Blakely, R.D., Sarter, M., & Lustig, C. (2015).  Cholinergic capacity mediates prefrontal engagement during challenges to attention:  Evidence from imaging genetics. NeuroImage, 108, 386-395. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.12.036

Hirst, W., Phelps, E.A., Meksin, R., Vaidya, C., Johnson, M.K.,Mitchell, K.J., Buckner, R.L., Budson, A., Gabri, J.D.E., Lustig, C., Mather, M., Ochsner, K.M., Schacter, D., Simons, J.S., Lyle, K.B., & Olsson, A. (2015).  A ten-year followup of a study of memory for the attack of September 11, 2001: Flashbulb memories and memories for flashbulb events. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144, 604-623.

Kucinski, A., Albin, R.L., Lustig, C., Sarter, M. (2015).  Modng fall propensity in Parkinson’s disease: extensive striatal dopamine loss-associated freezing of gait.  Behavioural Brain Research, 282, 155-164. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2015.01.012

Lustig, C., & Jantz, T. (2015). Questions of age differences in interference control: When and how, not if?  Brain Research, 1612, 59-69. DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2014.10.024



Raz, N., & Lustig, C. (2014).  Genetic variants and cognitive aging:  Destiny or a nudge? (Introduction to special issue on cognitive genetics).  Psychology & Aging, 29, 359-362. DOI: 10.1037/a0036893

Berry, A.S. Li, Xu, Lin, Z. & Lustig, C.  (2014) Shared and distinct factors driving attention and temporal processing across modalities.  Acta Psychologica, 147, 42-50.

Berry, A.S., Demeter, E., Sabhapathy, S., English, B.A., Blakely, R.D., Sarter, M., & Lustig, C. (2014).  Disposed to distraction: Genetic variation in the cholinergic system influences distractibility but not time-on-task effects.  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 9, 1981-1991. DOI: 10.1162/jocn_a_00607

Sarter, M., Lustig, C., Howe, W.M., Gritton, H., & Berry, A.S.  (2014). Deterministic functions of cortical acetylcholine. European Journal of Neuroscience, 39, 1912-1920.  DOI: 10.1111/ejn.12515

Sarter, M., Albin, R.L., Kucinski,A., & Lustig, C. (2014).  Where attention falls: Increased risk of falls from the converging impact of cortical cholinergic and midbrain dopamine loss on striatal function.  Experimental Neurology. 257, 120-129. DOI: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2014.04.032

Lustig, C., Kozak, R., Sarter, M., Young, J.W., Robbins, T.W. (2013).  CNTRICS final animal model task selection: Control of attention. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 37, 2099-2110.  DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2012.05.009

Ossher, L., Flegal, K.E., & Lustig, C. (2013).  Everyday memory errors in older adults. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 20, 220-242.

Craig, K., Berman, M., Jonides, J., & Lustig, C. (2013).  Escaping the recent past: Which stimulus dimensions influence proactive interference? Memory & Cognition.  doi 10.3758/s13421-012-0287-0.

Demeter, E., Guthrie, S.K., Taylor, S.F., Sarter, M.,& Lustig, C. (2013).  Increased distractor vulnerability but preserved vigilance in patients with schizophrenia:  Evidence from a translational sustained attention task. Schizophrenia Research, 144, 135-141.

Howe, W.M. Berry, A.S., Francois, J., Gilmour, G., Carp, J.M., Lustig, C., & Sarter, M. (2013).  Prefrontal cholinergic mechanisms instigating shifts from monitoring for cues to cue-guided performance:  Converging electrochemical and fMRI evidence from rats and humans. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 8742-8752.

Lustig, C., & Reuter-Lorenz, P.A. (2012).  Training working memory: Insights from neuroimaging.  In R.G. Alloway and T. Alloway (Eds.) Working memory: The Connected Intelligence.  (pp 287-298). Psychology Press.

Luck, S., Ford, J.M., Sarter, M., & Lustig, C. (2012).  CNTRICS final biomarker selection: control of attention.  Schizophrenia Bulletin, 38, 53-61.

Sarter, M., Lustig, C., & Taylor, S.F. (2012).  Cholinergic contributions to the cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia and the viability of cholinergic treatments.  Neuropharmacology, 62, 1544-1553.

Demeter, E., Hernandez-Garcia, L., Sarter, M., & Lustig, C. (2011). Challenges to attention: A continuous arterial spin labng (ASL) study of the effects of distraction on sustained attention.  NeuroImage, 54, 1518-1529.

Lustig, C., (2011).  The neuroscience of time and number:  Untying the Gordian knot. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 5:47. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2011.00047

St. Peters, M., Demeter, E., Lustig, C., Bruno, J.P., & Sarter, M. (2011).  Enhanced control of attention by stimulating mesolimic-corticopetal cholinergic circuitry.  Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 9760-9771.

Lustig, C., & Meck, W.H. (2011).  Modality differences in timing and temporal memory throughout the lifespan.  Brain & Cognition, 77, 298-303.



Lustig, C., & Meck, W.H. (2009).  Review of “The overflowing brain: Information load and the limits of working memory”.  New England Journal of Medicine, 306, 1469.

Lustig, C., Berman, M., Nee, D.E., Lewis, R.L., Moore, K.S. & Jonides, J. (2009).  Psychological and neural mechanisms of short-term memory. In G.G. Bernston and J.T. Caccioppo (Eds). Handbook of Neuroscience for the Behavioral Sciences.  (pp. 567-585). John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.

Nuechterlein, K.H., Luck, S.J., Lustig, C., & Sarter, M. (2009). CNTRICS final task selection: control of attention. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35, 182-196.  NIHMSID#81907

Hirst, W., Phelps, E.A., Buckner, R.L., Budson, A.E., Gabri, J.D.E., Johnson, M.K., Lustig, C., Lyle, K.B., Mather, M., Mitchell, K.J., Meksin, R., Ochsner, K.N., Schacter, D., Simons, J.S., & Vaidya, C.J. (2009).  The long-term retention of the terrorist attack of September 11: Flashbulb memories, memories for flashbulb events, and the factors that influence their retention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 138, 161-176.

Lustig, C., Shah, P., Seidler, R., & Reuter-Lorenz, P.A..  (2009). Aging, training, and the brain: A review and future directions.  Neuropsychology Review, 19, 504-522.

Lustig, C., & Flegal, K. (2008).  Age differences in memory: Demands on control and association.  In A.S. Benjamin, B. Etnyre, and T.A. Polk (Eds.), Human Learning. (pp. 137-152).  Elsevier, Oxford, UK.

Lustig, C. (2008). Making mirrors: sensorimotor experience directs activation of the mirror system (Commentary on Catmur et al.)  European Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 1207.

Jonides, J., Lewis, R.L., Nee, D., Lustig, C., Berman, M.G., & Moore, K.S. (2008).  The mind and brain of short-term memory. Annual Review of Psychology, 59, 193-224.

Demeter, E., Sarter, M., & Lustig, C. (2008).  Rats and humans paying attention: Cross-species task development for translational research.  Neuropsychology, 22, 787-799. NIHMSID #73822

Lustig, C., & Flegal, K. (2008). Targeting latent function: Encouraging effective encoding for successful memory training and transfer.  Psychology & Aging, 23, 754-764. PMCID: PMC2785716

Velanova, K., Lustig, C., Jacoby, L.L., & Buckner, R.L. (2007).  Evidence for frontally-mediated controlled processing differences in older adults.  Cerebral Cortex, 17, 1033-1046. (KV and CL share lead authorship on this paper.)

Bissig, D., & Lustig, C. (2007).  Who benefits from memory training?  Psychological Science, 18, 720-726.

Persson, J., Lustig, C., Nelson, J.K., & Reuter-Lorenz, P.A. (2007).  Age differences in deactivation: A link to cognitive control? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19, 1021-1032.

Andrews-Hanna, Snyder, A.Z., Vincent, J.L., Lustig, C., Head, D., & Buckner, R.L. (2007).  Disruption of large-scale brain systems in advanced aging. Neuron, 56, 924-935.

Lustig, C., Hasher, L., & Zacks, R. (2007).  Inhibitory deficit theory: Recent developments in a “new view”.  In D. S. Gorfein and C. M. MacLeod (Eds.), The place of inhibition in cognition. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Sarter, M., & Lustig, C. (2007).  Attention and learning and memory. In L. Squire, (Ed.)  New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Elsevier, Oxford, UK.

Buckner, R.L., Head  D., & Lustig, C. (2006). Brain aging.  In F.I.M. Craik and E. Bialystock (Eds.).  Lifespan cognition: Mechanisms of change. (pp. 27 – 42). New York:  Oxford University Press.

Hasher, L., Lustig, C., & Zacks, R. (2006).  Inhibitory mechanisms and the control of attention.  In A. Conway, C. Jarrold, M. Kane, A. Miyake, & J. Towse (Eds.) Variation in Working Memory.  New York: Oxford University Press.

Lustig, C., & Hasher, L. (2006).  Interference. In G. Maddox (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Aging, 4th edition. New York:  Springer-Verlag.

Lustig, C., Hasher, L., & Tonev, S.T. (2006).  Distraction as a determinant of processing speed. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 13, 619-625.

Lustig, C., Matell, M.S., & Meck, W.H. (2005).  Not “just” a coincidence: Frontal-striatal interactions in working memory and interval timing. Memory, 13, 441-448.

Lustig, C., & Meck, W.H. (2005). Chronic treatment with haloperidol induces working memory deficits in feedback effects of interval timing.  Brain and Cognition, 58, 9-16.

Petrella, J., Townsend, B.A., Jha, A.P., Ziajko, L.A., Slavin, M.J., Lustig, C., Hart, S.J., Doraiswamy, P.M. (2005).  Increasing memory load modulates regional brain activity in older adults as measured by fMRI. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 17, 75-83.

Reuter-Lorenz, P.A., & Lustig, C. (2005).  Brain aging: Reorganizing discoveries about the aging mind.  Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 15, 245-251.


Lustig, C., & Buckner, R.L. (2004).  Preserved neural correlates of priming in old age and dementia.  Neuron, 42, 865-875.

Lustig, C., Konkel, A., & Jacoby, L.L. (2004).  Which route to recovery? Controlled retrieval and accessibility bias in retroactive interference.  Psychological Science, 15, 729-735.

Lustig, C. (2003).  Grandfather’s clock:  Attention and interval timing in older adults. In W.H. Meck (Ed.).  Functional and neural mechanisms of interval timing. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Lustig, C., Snyder, A.Z., Bhakta, M., O’Brien, K.C., McAvoy, M., Raichle, M.E., Morris, J.C., & Buckner, R.L. (2003).  Functional deactivations: Change with age and dementia of the Alzheimer type. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 14504-14509.

Lustig, C., & Hasher, L. (2002).  Working memory span: The effect of prior learning.  American Journal of Psychology, 115, 89-101.

Petrella, J.F., Lustig, C., Bucher, L., Jha, A.P., & Doraiswamy, P.M. (2002). Prefrontal activation patterns in subjects at risk for Alzheimer’s disease.  American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 10, 112-113.

Lustig, C., & Hasher, L. (2001).  Implicit memory is not immune to interference.  Psychological Bulletin, 127, 618-628.

Lustig, C., & Hasher, L. (2001).  Implicit memory is vulnerable to proactive interference.  Psychological Science, 12 408-412.

Lustig, C., Hasher, L., & Tonev, S.T. (2001). Inhibitory control over the present and the past.  European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 13, 107-122.

Lustig, C., May, C.P., & Hasher, L. (2001). Working memory span and the role of proactive interference.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 130, 199-207.

Lustig, C., & Meck, W.H. (2001).  Paying attention to time as one gets older.  Psychological Science, 12, 478-484.

Hasher, L., Tonev, S.T., Lustig, C., & Zacks, R.  (2001). Inhibitory control, environmental support, and self initiated processing in aging. In M. Naveh-Benjamin, M. Moscovitch, and R.L. Roediger, III, (Eds.),  Perspectives on Human Memory and Cognitive Aging: Essays in Honour of Fergus Craik. (pp. 286-297). East Sussex, UK: Psychology Press.

Lustig, C., & Hasher, L. (2001).  Interference. In G. Maddox (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Aging, 3rd edition (pp. 533-535). New York:  Springer-Verlag.

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