to appear | Afrikaans. In Sebastian Kürschner, & Antje Dammel (eds.) Oxford Encyclopedia of Germanic Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (With Adri Breed.) |
to appear | Cross-language interactions of phonetic and phonological processes: Intervocalic plosive lenition in Afrikaans-Spanish bilinguals. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. (With Lorenzo García-Amaya, & Nicholas Henriksen.) |
2024 | Patagonian Afrikaans: A remnant variety spoken in South America. In Wannie Carstens & Nerina Bosman. (eds.) Afrikaans Linguistics: Contemporary Perspectives. Stellenbosch: Sun Press. p. 501-530. (With Lorenzo García-Amaya, & Nicholas Henriksen. ) |
2024 | The relation between perceptual retuning and articulatory restructuring: Individual differences in accommodating a novel phonetic variant. Journal of Phonetics, 107. (With Pam Beddor, Ian Calloway, Stephen Tobin, & Ruaridh Purse). (Open access link.) |
2023 | Individuals’ perceptual retuning predicts articulatory accommodation: implications for sound change. ICPhS 20, p. 2995-2999. (With Patrice Speeter Beddor, Ian Calloway, Stephen Tobin, & Ruaridh Purse). (Link to online version.) |
2022 | Producing and perceiving socially structured coarticulation: Coarticulatory nasalization in Afrikaans. Laboratory Phonology, 13(1). doi: (With Patrice Speeter Beddor, Will Styler, Stephen Tobin, Ian Bekker, & Daan Wissing.) |
2021 | Exploring language dominance through code-switching: Intervocalic voiced stop lenition in Afrikaans-Spanish bilinguals. Phonetica, 78(3):201-240. (With Nicholas Henriksen, Lorenzo García-Amaya, & Micha Fischer.) |
2020 | Afrikaans in Patagonia: Language shift and cultural integration in a rural immigrant community. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2020(266), 33-54. doi: 10.1515/ijsl-2020-2110. (With Ryan Szpiech, Joshua Shapero, Lorenzo García-Amaya, Paulina L. Alberto, Victoria Langland, Ellie Johandes, & Nicholas Henriksen.) |
2020 | Collaboration transcending crisis: Despite COVID, large-scale collaborative projects can help reimagine the humanities. Inside Higher Education, July 9, 2020. (With Ian Cook, Ella Deaton, Ellie Johandes, Kelly Kendro, Paulina Alberto, Lorenzo García-Amaya, Victoria Langland, Ana Silva, Ryan Szpiech, & Nicholas Henriksen.) (Link to online version.) |
2019 | Producing and perceiving socially indexed coarticulation in Afrikaans. ICPhS 19, p. 215-219. (With Patrice Speeter Beddor, Will Styler, Stephen Tobin, Ian Bekker, & Daan Wissing.) (Link to online version.) |
2019 | Velar palatalization in Patagonian and South African Afrikaans: Language and settlement history in an expatriate community. ICPhS 19, 1610-1614. (With Lorenzo García-Amaya, Jiseung Kim, Daan Wissing, & Nicholas Henriknsen.) (Link to online version.) |
2019 | Los otros afro-argentinos: narrativas raciales de la colectividad sudafricana de la Patagonia del siglo XX. [The other Afro-Argentines: racial narratives of the South African community of Patagonia of the 20th century.] In Eva Lamborghini, María de Lourdes Ghidoli, & Juan Francisco Martínez Peria. (eds.) Estudios Afrolatinoamericanos 4: Actas de las Sextas Jornadas del GEALA. Buenos Aires: Centro Cultural de la Cooperación Floreal Gorini. p. 175-190. (With Paulina L. Alberto, Ana M. Silva, Lorenzo García-Amaya, Victoria Langland, Ryan Szpiech, Ellie Johandes, & Nicholas Henriksen.) (Link to Spanish/English online version.) |
2019 | Language contact in Patagonia: Durational control in the acquisition of Spanish and Afrikaans phonology. In F. Martínez-Gil & S. Colina (Eds.), Handbook of Spanish Phonology. New York: Routledge. p. 416-438. (With Nicholas Henriksen, Lorenzo García-Amaya, Daan Wissing.) |
2019 | Language and identity: lessons from a unique Afrikaans community in Patagonia. In The Conversation, January 8, 2019. (With Nicholas Henriksen, Lorenzo García-Amaya, Paulina Albnerto, Victoria Langland, Ryan Szpiech, and Joshua Shapero.) (Link to online version.) |
2018 | Individual and community level variation in phonetics and phonology. In David Bradley, and Rajend Mesthrie, eds. The Dynamics of Language. Cape Town: University of Cape Town Press. p. 176-192. |
2018 | Afrikaans in Patagonia: Voices of displacement. Babel: The Language Magazine, August 2018:16-21. (With Nicholas Henriksen, Lorenzo García-Amaya, Paulina Albnerto, Victoria Langland, Ryan Szpiech, and Joshua Shapero.) |
2018 | The time course of individuals’ perception of coarticulatory information is linked to their production: implications for sound change. Language, 94:931-968. (With Pam Beddor, Julie Boland, Kevin McGowan, and Will Styler.) |
2018 | Plosive voicing in Afrikaans: differential cue weighting and tonogenesis. Journal of Phonetics, 66:185–216. (With Pam Beddor, Kerby Shedden, Will Styler, and Daan Wissing.) (open access link) |
2016 | A comprehensive model of phonological variation: grammatical and non-grammatical factors in variable nasal place assimilation. Phonology, 33:211-246. (pre-publication version) |
2014 | Grammatical change through lexical accumulation: Voicing co-occurrence restrictions in Afrikaans. Language, 90:693-721. (pre-publication version) |
2014 | Gestural reduction, lexical frequency, and sound change: a study of post-vocalic /l/. Laboratory Phonology, 5:9-36. (With Susan Lin and Patrice Beddor.) |
2013 | The time course of perception of coarticulation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133(4):2350-2366. (With Patrice Beddor, Kevin McGowan, Julie Boland and Anthony Brasher.) |
2013 | Frequency biases in phonological variation.Natural Language and Linguisic Theory, 31: 47-89. (With Shigeto Kawahara.)(ROA #1098-0810). [Pre-print version.] |
2011 | The place of variation in phonological theory. In John Goldsmith, Jason Riggle & Alan Yu, eds. The Handbook of Phonological Theory. 2nd Edition. Oxford: Blackwell. p. 401-434. (ROA #946-0108). [Pre-print version.] (With Joe Pater.) |
2011 | Gestural reduction and sound change: an ultrasound study. ICPhS XVII, p. 1250-1253. (With Patrice Beddor and Susan Lin.) |
2011 | Variation: where laboratory and theoretical phonology meet. In Abigail C. Cohn, Cécile Fougeron, and Marie K. Huffman, eds. Oxford Handbook of Laboratory Phonology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 62-75. |
2010 | Syllables in speech perception – evidence from perceptual epenthesis. In Charles Cairns & Eric Raimy, eds. Handook of the Syllable. Leiden: E.J. Brill. (pre publication version) |
2010 | Gradient well-formedness in Harmonic Grammar: Phonological performance as a window on phonological competence. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan, 14:13-23. (pre publication version) |
2010 | Phonetically grounded phonology and sound change: the case of Tswana labial plosives. Journal of Phonetics, 38:404-421(With Rigardt Pretorius.) (link) |
2009 | Grammar is both categorical and gradient. In Steven Parker, ed.Phonological Argumentation: Essays on Evidence and Motivation. London: Equinox. p. 9-42. (ROA #864-0906). [Pre-print version.] |
2009 | Introduction: phonological models and experimental data. Phonology, 26:1-8.(With René Kager and Joe Pater.) |
2009 | Phonological variation and lexical frequency. In Anisa Schardl, Martin Walkow, & Muhammad Abdurrahman, eds. NELS 38. Voiume 1. Amherst: GLSA. p. 189-202. [“Short version” and “Long version” available on ROA. Short version is the NELS version. The long version contains a few additional appendices.] (ROA #952-0208) |
2009 | An integrated gramatical/non-grammatical model of phonological variation. In Young-Se Kang, et al., eds. Current Issues in Linguistic Interfaces. Volume 2. Seoul: Hankookmunhwasa. p. 267-294. (ROA #1033-0609). |
2009 | Learning lexical indexation. Phonology, 26:109-145. (ROA #1000-1108). [Pre-print version.] |
2008 | Weighted constraints and gradient restrictions on place co-occurrence in Muna and Arabic. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 26:289-337. (ROA #950-0108) [Pre-print version.] (With Joe Pater.) |
2008 | Grammaticality and Ungrammaticality in Phonology. Language, 84(2):218-257. (ROA #945-0108). [Pre-print version.] |
2007 | Post-nasal devoicing in Tswana. In Jürgen Trouvain and William J. Barry, eds. ICPhS XVI. p. 861-864. (pdf) (With Susan Lin and Rigardt Pretorius.) |
2007 | Hamza. In Kees Versteegh, Mushira Eid, Alaa Elgibali, Manfred Woidich, and Andrzej Zaborsky, eds. Encyclopedia of the Arabic Language and Linguistics. Volume III. Leiden: E.J. Brill. p. 228-232.(link) |
2007 | Global and Local Durational Properties in Three Varieties of South African English. The Linguistic Review, 24:263-289 (link) (With Daan Wissing.) |
2006 | Variation as accessing “non-optimal” candidates. Phonology, 23(3):337-385. (link) |
2005 | The OCP in the perception of English. In Sonia Frota, Marina Vigario, Maria Joao Freitas, eds. Prosodies. New York : Mouton de Gruyter. p. 223-245. (pre publication version) |
2005 | With Joe Pater. Lexically Specific Constraints: Gradience, Learnability, and Perception. In Proceedings of the 3rd Seoul International Conference on Phonology. Seoul: The Phonology-Morphology Circle of Korea. 85-119. |
2004 | What it Means to be a Loser: Non-Optimal Candidates in Optimality Theory . Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Massachusetts , Amherst . (ROA # 687-0904) |
2003 | Just how many languages are there? In Makoto Kadowaki & Shigeto Kawahara. (eds.) NELS 36 : Proceedings of 36 th Meeting the North East Linguistic Society . Amherst : GLSA. p. 103-114. (ROA # 624-1003) |
2002 | Between-language frequency effects in phonological theory, University of Massachusetts , Amherst. (pdf) |
2002 | OO-Correspondence as cumulativity. In Angela Carpenter, Andries W. Coetzee & Paul de Lacy. (eds.) University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics 26: Papers in Optimality Theory II . Amherst : GLSA. p. 27-57. (ROA # 628-1103) |
2002 | Some mathematical properties of EVAL, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. |
2001 | Nasal-only syllables in Tswana. In Graham Horwood & Se-Kyung Kim. (eds.) RuLing 2: Working Papers of Rutgers University . New Brunswick : Rutgers University . p. 1-20. (pdf) |
2001 | Sympathy Theory and the set of potential winners, University of Massachusetts , Amherst. (ROA # 623-1003) |
2000 | Post-nasal neutralization phenomena in Tswana – more on *N… constraints, University of Massachusetts , Amherst. (pdf) |
1999 | Hebrew and Aramaic segholation and the generality and ordering of phonological rules . Journal of Semitic Studies , 44:215-226. |
1999 | Metathesis in Tiberian Hebrew – a perspective from Optimality Theory .Theoretical Linguistics , 25:99-131. |
1999 | Tiberian Hebrew Phonology: Focusing on Consonant Clusters. Van Gorcum: Assen, the Netherlands . (Studia Semitica Neerlandica 38.) |
1998 | The phonology of the two hamza’s of Qur’anic Arabic. Theoretical Linguistics , 24:219-244. |
1997 | Syllabification and epenthesis in Tiberian Hebrew – perspectives from Optimality Theory. Journal for Semitics , 9:87-128. |
1996 | Die ingeborenheid-hipotese van die TGG en Dooyeweerd se filosofie.Koers, 61(1): 83-102. [Title in English: The innateness hypothesis of transformational generative grammar and the philosophy of Dooyeweerd.] |
1996 | Predicting epenthesis sites for Tiberian Hebrew. South African Journal of Linguistics , Supplement 33:3-22. |
1996 | The neutral reduced vowel, vowel epenthesis and segholate formation in Tiberian Hebrew. South African Journal of Linguistics , Supplement 31:5-21. |
1996 | Die akoestiese eienskappe van stemlose eksplosiewe van Afrikaans.South African Journal of Linguistics , Supplement 34:63-82. [Title in English: The acoustical properties of the voiceless plosives of Afrikaans.] (With Daan Wissing.) |
1995 | Berou en bekering in die prediking van die profete: geïnterpreteer binne die raamwerk van die verbond. In die Skriflig , 29(4): 603-622. [Title in English: Repentance and conversion in the message of the prophets: interpreted within the framework of the covenant.] |