- The Culture Collab attends the Seattle Asian American Film Festival 2019 to learn about how Asian Americans are represented in Asian American-made films.
- Dr. Fryberg receives the Award for Distinguished Service to the Society at the 2019 SPSP Convention.
- The Culture Collaboratory attends the 2019 SPSP Convention in Portland, OR.
- The Culture Collab welcomes new lab manager, Hannah Ramil.
Talks and Posters:
- Brady, L. M., Kitayama, S., & Chartier, C. (2019, February). The role of (cross)cultural research in robust and replicable psychological science. Roundtable on generalizability & replication.
- Burris, I., Brady, L. M., & Fryberg, S. A. (2019, February). We shall overcome: Finding strength through adversity. Poster session.
- Burris, I., Brady, L. M., Fryberg, S. A. (2019, February). Social class moderates effects of parent growth mindset on children’s academic outcomes. Poster session.
- Dai, D. J., Eason, A., Fryberg, S. A. (2019, February). How stereotypes and invisibility shape bias towards Native Americans. Poster session.
- Dai, D. J. (2019, February). #NotAllWhites: White liberals disidentify from their racial ingroup under group-image threat. Symposium.
- Leong, S., Brady, L. M., & Shoda, Y. (2019, February). Cultural models of family: How race and generation status affect the perceived role of family in college. Poster session.
- Yang, J. Y., Brady, L. M., & Fryberg, S. A. (2019, February). Seize the A: Interdependence explains college students’ perceived parent performance goals. Poster session.