Testing artificial reef (AR) design and efficacy

From National Geographic’s Open Explorer by Katrina Munsterman, incoming University of Michigan Ph.D. student in ecology and evolutionary biology, Jake Allgeier lab Building an artificial reef in the Bahamas. Last December, Jake Allgeier and lab technician, Mona Andskog, built new artificial reefs in the Bahamas. Less than six months later, the reefs are already teeming…

Love stings: sexual selection on wasp spots

Polistes dominulus female on nest. Image from Wikipedia commons. by Emily Laub (co-editor-in-chief, Evobites) is an evolutionary biologist and behavioral ecologist who is a PhD student at the University of Michigan in ecology and evolutionary biology Sexual selection has resulted in some of the most flamboyant and outrageous ornaments in the natural world. The flashy plumes of…