Microbiome variety could contribute to diversity

by Alexis K. Heinz, 2017 ecology & evolutionary biology woody plants graduate student instructor; 2019 master of science, conservation ecology & master of landscape architecture I recently learned that in the large intestine, the cecum is a location for recalcitrant plant material.  Neighboring, the appendix is believed to house some of the human’s microbiome. According…

PROJECT BIODIVERSIFY: We contain multitudes. Our courses should reflect this.

  From Small Pond Science  by Project Biodiversify We contain multitudes. Our courses should reflect this. We contain multitudes. Like an ecological niche, a person’s identity is composed of infinite dimensions that make up a person or group’s collective identity space (Figure 1). However, in science – a discipline that has historically valued objective and…

Guest post: a personal account of why science needs inclusion

From Dynamic Ecology by Lynette Strickland, Ph.D. alumnus, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, soon-to-be postdoc, Texas A&M Corpus Christie A diversity of metallic beetles This is a guest post by Lynette Strickland, who just defended her PhD at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She will be moving to Texas A&M Corpus Christie to do…

UM’s inaugural Biology Week celebration

by the Biology Week Organizing Committee* (names below) The pipette box stacking competition was neck and neck. Biology Week, which was originally started by the Royal Society of Biology in England, is an international celebration of the biosciences. However when Sarah VanDiepenbos, an undergraduate student at UM at the time, saw #BiologyWeek trending on Twitter…

Living museums = Ecological restoration sites

by Alexis Heinz, former EEB GSI studying conservation ecology and landscape architectureWhat is a museum?Drawing only on experience from occasional visits, I think a museum is intended to be a collection of items related to an overarching idea. The idea can be a specific culture, location, or event.   Having knowledge in plant science, ecology,…

Call for mentors and mentees for #EEBMentorMatch: linking students from underrepresented groups with grad school and fellowship application mentors

From Dynamic Ecology by Meghan Duffy, a University of Michigan ecologist and professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate programs still have a long way to go before they reflect the diversity of society more generally. This is a problem both because it is inherently unjust, and because science is done better…

Friday links: #LGBTSTEMDay edition!

LGBT STEM cake. Image from Twitter @TopPhysicist Matt LeBlanc From Dynamic Ecology by Meghan Duffy, a University of Michigan ecologist and professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology All this week’s links are related to #LGBTSTEMDay (including links explaining why such a day is needed): Yesterday was the first #LGBTSTEMDay, and even the…

Introduction to the Teach-In: Reclaiming Our Campus

Aaron King We appreciate Aaron sharing the text of his introduction to the Teach-In: Reclaiming Our Campus, March 15, 2018 by Aaron King, University of Michigan professor of ecology and evolutionary biology; mathematics, Center for the Study of Complex Systems; Center for Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics We come together at a time in our shared…

Introducing #EEBMentorMatch: linking students from minority serving institutions with application mentors

From Dynamic Ecology by Meghan Duffy, a University of Michigan ecologist and associate professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Research has demonstrated that science benefits from diversity, but graduate programs still suffer from a lack of diversity, including in terms of race/ethnicity and the type of undergraduate institutions of applicants. Meanwhile, minority-serving…

The M-Sci program completes its seventh summer session

M-Sci students Mustafa Sami and Arielle Ewing answer questions posed by judges from Biological Anthropology. by Lisa Bradshaw, a University of Michigan lecturer in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in Ann Arbor and the Department of Natural Sciences in Dearborn Last Thursday I had the pleasure of watching the M-Sci Summer Program students…