Guest post: Undergraduate mentorship in the time of COVID-19: what we’ve learned

From Meghan Duffy and Dynamic Ecology This is a guest post by Jonathan Barros, Briana Martin-Villa, Lexi Golden, Jonathan Hernandez, & Callie Chappell (UM EEB B.S. 2016) I. Introduction: During this challenging time of COVID-19, our lives have been turned upside down. Jobs have been lost or radically altered, loved ones have fallen ill, and…

How to support undergraduate students experiencing mental health concerns

From Dynamic Ecology by Meghan Duffy, a University of Michigan ecologist and associate professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (Trigger warning: mental health, self-harm, and suicide discussed below) I recently attended a really great workshop on interacting with students who are experiencing mental health issues. The workshop was run by Michigan’s Center…