Dr. Emily Wilcox 魏美玲 is Margaret Hamilton Professor of Modern Languages & Literatures/Chinese Studies at William & Mary, a 2024-25 Guggenheim Fellow in Dance Studies, and a 2025 Sydney Chinese Studies Distinguished Fellow. In Fall 2023, Wilcox was a Member of the School of Historical Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. In Summer 2024, she was visiting graduate faculty in the Dance Institute at Minzu University in Beijing.
Wilcox taught at the University of Michigan from 2013-2020, where she was tenured Associate Professor of Modern Chinese Studies, Associate Chair, and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures and Affiliate Faculty in the School of Music, Theater, and Dance. Wilcox remains involved in research and mentoring at U-M through her ongoing roles as Center Associate of the University of Michigan Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies, head faculty collaborator for the U-M Asia Library Chinese Dance Collection, and co-editor with Dr. Mary Gallagher of the “China Understandings Today” book series at the University of Michigan Press.
Dr. Wilcox is a leading scholar of 20th and 21st-century Chinese dance and performance studies, with broader specializations in PRC history, Chinese gender and ethnic minority studies, Sinophone and Chinese diaspora studies, and Inter-Asia cultural studies. Wilcox received major fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council for her first book, Revolutionary Bodies: Chinese Dance and the Socialist Legacy, published by the University of California Press in 2018. Revolutionary Bodies won the Dance Studies Association’s 2019 de la Torre Bueno Prize®, and a Chinese translation of Revolutionary Bodies was published in 2023 by Fudan University Press. Revolutionary Bodies is available Open Access through the support of a University of Michigan TOME grant. Interested readers can also listen to a podcast about the book in English or view book talks by Wilcox delivered in English and Chinese.
Dr. Wilcox has published three edited collections on dance and film studies: Corporeal Politics: Dancing East Asia, co-edited with Dr. Katherine Mezur and published by the University of Michigan Press in 2020; Inter-Asia in Motion: Dance as Method, coedited with Dr. Soo Ryon Yoon and published by Routledge in 2023; and Teaching Film from the People’s Republic of China, co-edited with Dr. Zhuoyi Wang and Dr. Hongmei Yu, published by the Modern Language Association in 2024. Creating with Roots: Contemporary Chinese National Folk Dance Choreography, Dr. Wilcox’s translation of a Chinese-language monograph by Dr. Xu Rui, was published by the University of Michigan Press in 2025. Since 2013, Dr. Wilcox has collaborated with U-M Chinese Studies Librarian Dr. Liangyu Fu to create the University of Michigan Asia Library Chinese Dance Collection. As part of this project, Wilcox and Fu co-created the Pioneers of Chinese Dance digital photograph archive and the original exhibition “Chinese Dance: National Movements in a Revolutionary Age, 1945-1965,” both launched in 2017. “Planting Seeds: ADF and Modern Dance in China,” an oral history project Wilcox directed in collaboration with Jodee Nimerichter, Dean Jeffrey, and Yao Xu was released by the American Dance Festival in 2024.
Dr. Wilcox has published over thirty scholarly journal articles and book chapters, in English and Chinese, in venues such as The Journal of Asian Studies, positions: asia critique, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Asian Theatre Journal, TDR: the Drama Review, Twentieth-Century China, China Perspectives, Journal of the Beijing Dance Academy, Asian Dance Journal (previously Journal of the Society for Dance Documentation and History), Wudao pinglun (Dance Review), and numerous edited collections. Dr. Wilcox is currently working on a new book tentatively titled Performing Solidarities: Dancing the World in Mao’s China, 1949-1976.
Education and Professional Service
Dr. Wilcox received an undergraduate degree from Harvard University in 2003, an MPhil from the University of Cambridge in 2004, and a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 2011. She was a Blakemore Freeman Fellow at the Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Study at Tsinghua University in 2007-2008, a Fulbright scholar at the Beijing Dance Academy in 2008-2009, and a non-residential postdoctoral research fellow at the Shanghai Theatre Academy in 2011-2013. Wilcox served as President of the Association for Asian Performance in 2015-2017, Board Member of the Society for Dance History Scholars in 2014-2016, and Board Member of the Dance Studies Association in 2019-2023. She is currently a member of the Board of the Historical Society for Twentieth-Century China and the East and Inner Asia Council of the Association for Asian Studies, as well as Founding Chair of the Dance Studies Association Asian and Asian Diaspora Dance Studies Working Group. In 2021, Wilcox served as Interim Chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at William & Mary, where she also directed the Chinese Studies Program from 2021-2023. In 2021-2023, she was a member of the Public Intellectuals Program of the National Committee on US-China Relations and held grants from the Wilson Center China Program and the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. Wilcox is a member of the Advisory Board of Dance Chronicle and co-edits the book series “Dance in the 21st Century” with Bloomsbury. She also serves on editorial boards of dance journals and book series in China and South Korea. Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, Dr. Wilcox regularly lectures and publishes in Chinese and produces international events involving artists and scholars from China and the Chinese diaspora. She has been a visiting professor at Minzu University of China, University of Roehampton, and Yunnan Arts University.
Teaching and Mentoring
In 2019, Dr. Wilcox received the Class of 1923 Memorial Teaching Award for outstanding teaching of undergraduates at the University of Michigan. At William & Mary, she teaches courses on Chinese film, popular culture, and cultural history, as well as Asian and Asian diaspora dance studies. She also directed the W&M Summer in Beijing Program in 2013 and 2024. Wilcox continues to advise doctoral students in the U-M PhD in Asian Languages and Cultures and has served as an external faculty member on PhD committees at UCLA, the University of Maryland, The Ohio State University, Temple University, Texas Women’s University, National University of Singapore, and Emory University. As a first generation college graduate, Dr. Wilcox enjoys working with students of diverse backgrounds and is committed to overcoming barriers to higher education for all students. Syllabi for Wilcox’s past and current courses and a list of past and current advisees can be found here. If you are interested in applying to work with Dr. Wilcox, please email her directly at eewilcox@umich.edu or eewilcox@wm.edu for more information.