Visitor Christoph Baranec presents the latest on robotic adaptive optics

Christoph Baranec, faculty at the University of Hawaii, visited our department this week to speak about his work with robotic adaptive optics (Robo-AO), an automated adaptive optics system. Robo-AO can operate without human supervision and perform the wavefront corrections necessary to mitigate fluctuations in the atmosphere and sharpen the image. The reliability and streamlined software architecture of Robo-AO makes it extremely efficient for surveying many targets per night. Lessons learned from the Robo-AO project could be used to automate other Laser AO systems, or improve performance of extreme-AO instruments.

A photo by the Robo-AO team of their UV laser used to measure the atmospheric fluctuation. The laser is not actually visible to the naked eye but was taken with a digital camera that had its UV filter removed, as Christoph explained during the beginning of his talk. Photo credit: Robo-AO team.