Hi there! I am a postdoctoral fellow working with Dr. John Jonides in the Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan. My research seeks to understand the basic principles of how our cognitive system handles distractions and individual differences in these principles. I am also interested in how distractions manifest in everyday contexts. To study these questions, I use various methods including computational modeling, eye-tracking, electromyography, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (in collaboration with Dr. Taraz Lee). Finally, my work examines both neurotypical populations as well as those with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
From 2014 to 2020, I was a Ph.D. student in the Combined Program in Education and Psychology at the University of Michigan. I worked with Dr. Kevin Miller and Dr. Kai Cortina on gaze patterns during mind-wandering. Before coming to Michigan, I majored in Psychology at Beijing Normal University from 2010 to 2014.
Learn more about my research here. To see my publications, please visit here.