Compliance with the Laws of War
This site contains the data, documentation, replication materials, and supplemental materials for publications using the data set on compliance with the laws of war during the 20th century.
Replication Materials for Chapter 9 of The Logic of Political Survival
This zip file expands into a directory containing the replications materials for Chapter 9 of Bueno de Mesquita, Smith, Siverson, and Morrow, The Logic of Political Survival. The directory has four folders, each with separate data sets, Stata do-files to run the analyses reported in the book, and log files of those Stata runs. There is also a file explaining the data sets in detail.
Morrow, Siverson, and Tabares International Trade Data
This Excel spreadsheet gives the data used in Morrow, Siverson, and Tabares, The Political Determinants of International Trade: The Major Powers, 1907-90.” Please cite this piece if you use the data. We acknowledge the assistance of Neal Beck in preparing the data for posting.