The Maze of Haze!

Check out this feature article in Science this week, where Prof. Lia Corrales talks about her research group’s recent paper about how to produce tholins, organic compounds formed in the presence of UV radiation, with special optical properties that can explain features observed in exoplanet atmospheres.

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An Exoplanet Atmosphere as never seen before!

New JWST observations of Wasp 39 b reveal new features of exoplanet atmospheres not seen before, such as the presence of SiO2 in the atmosphere. These data, part of the Early Release Science Program, of which Ryan MacDonald and Emily Rauscher are part, are a treasure trove for exoplanet atmosphere enthusiasts. The UM press release can be…

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Schmidt AI in Science Fellowships Available!

The Michigan Institute for Data Science is pleased to announce, in partnership with the Schmidt Futures Foundation, a new opportunity for post-doctoral fellowships in AI and Data Science. Fellows are provided a science mentor and an AI mentor, specifically to develop skills in AI and Data Science relevant for immediate scientific applications in the sciences…

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JWST images of the Orion Nebula

Graduate student Felipe Alarcon and Professor Ted Bergin are part of an international team studying the interaction of energetic radiation from hot massive stars and clouds of gas and dust that are forming a new generation of stars with the recently launched NASA/ESA/CSA JWST. Read more about their work here.

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Cyclones on Jupiter!

Stable, mega-vortices on Jupiter exist in regular arrangements which atmospheric scientists struggle to understand. Climate and Space Science Professor Cheng Li shares his perspective in a research news story.

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Become a Heising-Simons 51 Peg b Fellow at the University of Michigan!

Milky Way and starry sky background

U-M Astronomy pleased to host 51 Pegasi b Fellows  Now is a great time to study exoplanets and planetary astronomy at the University of Michigan! The  University of Michigan is an approved Host Institution for the 51 Pegasi b Fellowship Program,  sponsored by the Heising-Simons Foundation. Applications are due October 10, 2022.  The University of…

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Welcome to MI-Planets!

MI-Planets is an interdisciplinary research initiative aimed at understanding the formation, evolution, and structure of planetary systems including the Solar System as well as those around other stars in our Milky Way galaxy and beyond.  We also attempt to develop and test theories of planet formation through observations of individual objects as well as population…

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