We’ve put together our program for the first two days of talks and are thinking about how to organize the workshop days to make them the most exciting and impactful.
In addition to the science itself, we’re also looking forward to having our attendees visit our campus’ historic Detroit Observatory (on campus in Ann Arbor, not in Detroit). In addition to some unique history and instruments/telescopes from the 1850s, we’re hoping the weather cooperates and lets us do some actual observing through one of the old scopes. There will also be dessert to munch on.
Our conference dinner will be at the Blue Tractor restaurant, with tasty barbecue and brews. There will be both meat and vegetarian options to choose from.
Finally, I have no idea how accurate it is, but this website predicts that our meeting will be timed just perfectly to enjoy the fall foliage in Ann Arbor.