my butt my back my stomach my breasts my shoulders my arms leaning on the table my uncanny valley my deskjob aversion my porcupine quills my stoppages my filler my quicksand my elevated archness my foolproof schemes my childlessness my shipping costs my frozen Hopper characters huddled in a diner my ballistics estimates coming in under budget my hair falling all around my face my blind spot my blond spit my softness my blocked doorway my insufficient "no" my unfuckability my team my timing my authorial deferment my duplicate checks my straining to see the others my U-Haul following behind my gait my educating my fogging up the window looking in on my schooling my pushing back adjacent to my facts
I'm sad about my ability to do experimental life that persists beyond this post yesterday before the word came out of exclaiming hello we’re here we’re sad about our ability to do much hashtag better than ink beyond pecs beside makeup singing in a bed of left markup that all messier cries not alone behind above against along among inside
Trace Peterson is the author of Since I Moved In (Chax Press, 2019) and numerous chapbooks. She edits the small press & journal EOAGH, which has won 2 Lambda Literary Awards, and has co-edited the books Arrive on Wave: Collected Poems of Gil Ott and Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics. https://tracepeterson.com.