

Ellis, N. C. What’s in a word?  Cognitive-linguistic, Psycholinguistic, Neuroscientific, Corpus-Lingustic, AI, and Usage-based perspectives. LAMiNATE Talks series, Lund University, Oct 7, 2024.

Ellis, N. C. What’s in a word?  Cognitive-linguistic, Psycholinguistic, Neuroscientific, Corpus-Lingustic, AI, and Usage-based perspectives. Special guest presentation, Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association (JCLA25), Kobe University, September 7, 2024.

Ellis, N. C. Usage-based Second Language Acquisition. Pre-conference seminar. Kobe University, September 6, 2024.


Ellis, N. C. What’s in a word? Cognitive-linguistic, Neuroscientific, AI, Psycholinguistic, and Usage-based perspectives. VOCAB@VIC 2023, Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand. 13 – 15 December, 2023. (What’s in a word? Saussure  (1916) emphasized signification, Firth (1957) “you shall know a word by the company it keeps”, and Wittgenstein (1953) “in most cases meaning is use”.  Where are these ideas now and what their educational implications?) PresentationAbstract pdfofPresentation

Guo, R., Ellis, N. C., Boland, J. and Wang, M. Processing collocations in first and second languages. VOCAB@VIC 2023, Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand. 13 – 15 December, 2023.

Guo, R., Ellis, N. C., Boland, J. and Wang, M. Processing collocations in first (L1) and second languages (L2): Effects of collocation- and word-level variables on speakers varying in proficiency and dominance. ISB-14 (International Society for Bilingualism conference), Macquarie University, Sydney, June 28, 2023.


Ellis, N. C. ‘What she said’: Usage-based approaches to language cognition, translation, and interpretation. Invited presentation in celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw [] October 25, 2022. Watch

Ellis, N. C. Usage-based second language acquisition: Implicit and explicit learning and their interface. Plenary presentation, 3rd International Symposium on Applied Linguistics Research (ALR2022), Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, November 5, 2022. Watch

Ellis, N. C. Second language learning of morphosyntax.  Keynote presentation, The 23rd Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences. September 24 – 25, 2022 Watch

Ellis, N. C. Essentials of a Theory of Language Cognition.  Keynote presentation, 7th Cognitive Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition Conference, Nanjing Normal University, China. September 17-18, 2022. Watch

Ellis, N. C. What have we learned? Implicit (i) and explicit (e) language learning aptitude. Zoom talks in the series, Explorations in Construction Grammar, FAU Interdisciplinary Centre for Research on Lexicography, Valency and Collocation, Erlangen, Germany. 17 and 31 January, 2022.


Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based approaches to the acquisition of L2 morphology. Keynote presentation, EuroSLA 30. Universitat de Barcelona. June 30-July 3, 2021. Watch

Ellis, N. C. Discussion of the colloquium Implicit Language Aptitude: Conceptualizing the Construct, Validating the Measures, Examining the Evidence (Shaofeng Li organizer). Annual conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). March,  2021. See presentation recording. See symposium recording.


Ellis, N. C. Understanding Language and Learning: Theoretical, Methodological, and Cultural Developments in Applied Linguistics. Distinguished Scholarship and Service Award Recipient Plenary talk. AAAL, Atlanta, Georgia. March 9-12, 2019.

Ellis, N. C.  Essentials of a Theory of Language Cognition. Presentation at the symposium Language at the mid-level of understanding: The curious case of linguistic representations, Petar Milin and Dagmar Divjak (Co-organizers). International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-15). Kwansei Gakuin University. August 6-11, 2019. Nishinomiya, Japan

Ellis, N. C. SLA, statistical learning, and corpus linguistics. Presentation in the Symposium: Language Emergence: Competition, Usage, and Analyses. Honoring the Impact of Brian MacWhinney on Language Research. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, June 6-9, 2019.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based Language Acquisition: Implicit and Explicit learning and their Interface. Plenary presentation. Annual conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta, Georgia. March 9-12, 2019.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based Language Acquisition: Implicit and Explicit learning and their Interface. Keynote presentation. MITESOL 2019, Grand Valley State University. November 1-2, 2019.

Ellis, N. C. & Murakami, A. Effects of Availability, Reliability, and Formulaicity on L2 Acquisition of English Grammatical Morpheme in a Large Learner Corpus. Presentation at the invited symposium: Recent developments in corpus-based approaches to SLA, Xiaofei Lu (Organizer). Second Language Research Forum SLRF 2019. September 20-22, 2019. Michigan State University.

Murakami, A. & Ellis, N. C.  The effects of frequency and contingency on the accuracy of L2 English grammatical morphemes. Learner Corpus Research 2019, University of Warsaw Poland, 12-14 September, 2019.

Ellis, N. C.  Understanding Language and Learning. Invited presentation, Japan Association for Language Teaching, Rikkyo University, July 19, 2019.

Ellis, N. C. Usage-Based Second Language Acquisition: Implicit and Explicit Learning and Their Interface. Distinguished Visiting Lecturer seriesTemple University Japan, Osaka and Tokyo campuses. July, 2019.

Ellis, N. C.  Understanding Language Learning. 3rd annual Colloquium on Cognitive Science, University of Michigan. March 23, 2019.


Ellis, N. C. (2018) Essentials of a Theory of Language Cognition. Annual conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). March 24-27, 2018. Chicago.

Ellis, N. C. (2018). Usage-based approaches to L2 input and intake. Presentation in the Language Learning Roundtable  The relation between learner grammar and input EuroSLA 2018, Münster, Germany, September 5th, 2018.

Guo, R. & Ellis, N. C. (2018). The emergence of ESL morphosyntax from usage: Effects of statistical symbolic learning. ICCG10: Tenth International Conference on Construction Grammar 16-18 July 2018 Paris (France).

Ellis, N. C. (2018). Exploring the Psycholinguistics of the Consructicon using the Lexicon as a Guide. ICCG10: Tenth International Conference on Construction Grammar 16-18 July 2018 Paris (France).

Guo, R. & Ellis, N. C. (2018). The emergence of ESL morphosyntax from usage: Effects of statistical symbolic learning. Association for Psychological Science Annual Conference, 24-27 May, 2018, San Francisco.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based approaches to second language acquisition and processing. Presentation Linguistics Program, Florida International University. April 11, 2018.

Cintrón Valentín, M., García Maya, L.  & Ellis, N. C.  Captioning and Grammar Learning in the L2 Spanish Classroom. Annual conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). March 24-27, 2018. Chicago.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based Second Language Acquisition: Implicit and Explicit learning and their Interface. Workshop, Institute des science cognitives, Université du Québec à Montréal. March 20, 2018.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based approaches to second language acquisition and processing. Presentation Institute des science cognitives, Université du Québec à Montréal, March 19, 2018.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based SLA: The Basic Variety is based in the Psychology of Learning. Presentation University of Auckland. February 19, 2018.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-Based Approaches to Language, Language Acquisition and Processing. Presentation, Victoria University of Wellington, February 12, 2018.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-Based Approaches to Language, Language Acquisition and Processing. Presentation New Zealand Institute Of Language, Brain And Behaviour, University of Christchurch, January 29, 2018.

Ellis, N. C.  Emergentist approaches to language learning. Presentation, University of Otago, January 22, 2018.


Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based approaches to language, language acquisition, and language processing. Plenary presentation. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-14). Tartu, Estonia, 10-14 July, 2017. Watch

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based Second Language Acquisition: Implicit and Explicit learning and their Interface. 100th anniversary presentation, School of Foreign Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, October 20, 2017.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based Second Language Acquisition: Implicit and Explicit learning and their Interface. Plenary presentation.  8th International Conference on English Language Teaching (ELT) in China,  Xi’an, October 20-22, 2017.

Ellis, N. C.  Cognitive Approaches to SLA: The Basic Variety and the Psychology of Learning from Usage. Plenary presentation.  Sociocognitive approaches to SLA Conference. School of Foreign Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, October 14-15, 2017.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-Based Approaches to Language Acquisition and Processing. Interdisciplinary approaches to multilingualism – socio-cognitive aspects. The Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan (MultiLing), University of Oslo Summer School. August 28-31, 2017.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based SLA: The Basic Variety is Based in the Psychology of Learning. Plenary presentation. Initial Input Processing in SLA, Paris 18-19 May, 2017.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-Based Approaches to Language Acquisition and Processing. Presentation School of Foreign Studies, Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an, October 18, 2017.

Cintrón Valentín, M., García Maya, L.  & Ellis, N. C.  Captioning and Grammar Learning in the L2 Spanish Classroom. Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) 2017, Ohio State University, October 13-14, 2017.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based second language acquisition. Presentation Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies, University of Bergen. August 25, 2017.

Ellis, N. C.  Form, Meaning, and Frequency in Usage-Based Language Acquisition. Presentation American University in Paris, May 17, 2017.

Devitt, A., Römer, U., & Ellis, N. C. Network analysis of knowledge of verb-argument constructions in L1 and L2 speakers. Annual conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). March 18-21, 2017. Portland, Oregon.

Römer, U., Berger. C. M.,  & Ellis, N. C. How do constructions emerge in second language learners? Evidence from a pseudo-longitudinal learner corpus. Annual conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). March 18-21, 2017. Portland, Oregon.

Ellis, N. C.  Language as a Complex Adaptive System. Presentation the Complex Systems Research Seminar Series, University of Georgia, Athens. March 2, 2017.


Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based approaches to language acquisition. Plenary presentation.  Connaissances et Usages en Langue Seconde / Knowledge and Usage in Second Language, Univérsité de Nantes, 29 June – 1 July, 2016.

Ellis, N. C.  Corpus and experimental investigations of usage, acquisition and processing. Symposium du Labex EFL Empirical Foundations of Linguistics, Inalco – Auditorium, Paris 3, 13 – 14 juin 2016.

Cintrón Valentín, M. & Ellis, N. C.  Salience and L2 Acquisition: Physical Form, Learner Attention, and Instructional Focus. Poster presentation. Psychonomic Society, 57th Meeting. November 17-21, Boston.

Ellis, N. C.  Learning verbs, their collocations and their verb-argument constructions. Symposium on Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. University of Western Ontario, October, 21 2016.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based approaches to language acquisition. Presentation the Language Institute, University of Wisconsin Madison. October 17-18, 2016.

Cintrón Valentín, M. & Ellis, N. C.  Salience and second language acquisition: Physical form, learner attention and instructional. Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) 2016, Teachers College Columbia University, September 22-25, 2016.

Ellis, N. C.  Implicit and Explicit Language Acquisition and their Interface. Presentation Duolingo Pittsburgh, PA. August 25, 2016.

Römer, U., Berger. C. M.,  & Ellis, N. C. L2 learners’ developing knowledge of English verb constructions: Usage-based views and implications for teaching. 11th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference, 2014 (TaLC 11). Giessen University, July 20-23, 2016


Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based approaches to language acquisition, processing, and change. Plenary presentation.  Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) 2015, Atlanta  Georgia October 29-31, 2015.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based approaches to grammar acquisition and processing. Plenary presentation.  Sinclair Lecture and Seminar 2015, University of Birmingham September 2, 2015.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based perspectives on language acquisition, processing, and change. Keynote address. Changing English: Integrating Cognitive, Social, and Typological Perspectives. University of Helsinki, 8-10 June, 2015. 

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based approaches to language acquisition. Keynote address. 2nd Annual UC Davis Symposium on Language Research. UC Davis, 21-22 May, 2015.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based approaches to language acquisition and processing. Presentation Institute for the Empirical Study of Language (IESL), Ohio University. November 13, 2015.

Römer, U., Skalicky, S.,  & Ellis, N. C Verb-argument constructions in L2 English learner production: Combining evidence from learner corpora and psycholinguistic experiments. Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) 2015, Atlanta Georgia, October 29-31, 2015.

Cintrón Valentín, M. & Ellis, N. C.  Explicit Instruction and Learned Attentional Biases in Latin L2 Acquisition. Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) 2015, Atlanta Georgia, October 29-31, 2015.

Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based approaches to language acquisition and processing. Presentation. Foreign Language Learning Colloquium Speaker Series at Washington University, St. Louis. September 25, 2015.

Ellis, N. C.  Cognitive analyses of Second Language Acquisition. Workshop presentation. Foreign Language Learning Colloquium Speaker Series at Washington University, St. Louis. September 25, 2015.

Ellis, N. C.  & Cintrón Valentín, M. Learned attention and transfer in SLA. 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC13), Northumbria University, Newcastle, July 20-25, 2015.

Ellis, N. C. Usage-Based Approaches to SLA: Cognition – Corpora – Computation. Language Learning/CASS Symposium on Connecting data and theory: Corpora and second language research. University of Lancaster, July 19, 2015.

Römer, U., Berger, C. M., Ellis, N. C., and  O’Donnell M. B. A usage-based view on L2 learners’ development of English verb construction knowledge: Mixing methods and data types. TLD 2: Usage-based Perspectives on Second Language Learning, University of Groningen, June 3-5, 2015.

Römer, U., Berger, C. M.,  & Ellis, N. C.  How does constructional knowledge emerge? Evidence from a longitudinal corpus of German and Spanish learner English. The 36th ICAME conference, University of Trier, 27-31 May 2015.

Ellis, N. C. Usage-based Emergentism and SLA. Invited presentation in the colloquium Toward an Integrative Framework for SLA. Annual conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). March 21-24, 2015. Toronto, Canada.

Cintrón-Valentín, M. & Ellis, N. C. Explicit Instruction and Learned Attentional Biases in Latin L2 Acquisition. Annual conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). March 21-24, 2015. Toronto, Canada.

Ellis, N. C. Researching Emergence and Complexity Theory. Discussant at the symposium on Complexity Theory. Annual conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). March 21-24, 2015. Toronto, Canada.


Ellis, N. C.  Usage, Usage in Mind, Usage in Learning, Mind in Usage. Plenary presentation,  Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics on Usage-based Approaches to Language, Language Learning, and Multilingualism, Georgetown University, March 14-16, 2014.

Ellis, N. C. Patterns of Usage Affect Construction Learning and Knowledge of Constructions. Plenary presentation, 9th Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association (SCOLA) International Conference: “Applied Cognitive Linguistics: New challenges.” Universidad de Extremadura (Badajoz, España), 15-17 de octubre de 2014

Ellis, N. C. Corpus Linguistic Investigations of Construction Usage and Construction Learning. Plenary presentation at the 11th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference, 2014 (TaLC 11). Lancaster University, July 21-23, 2014

Ellis, N. C. Implicit and explicit learning and their interface. Keynote presentation, 4th International conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 9-10 May, 2014.

Ellis, N. C. Chunking. Invited presentation at the workshop: The Changing English Language: Psycholinguistic Perspectives, The International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE) Conference, 24-27, August, Zurich. 2014.

Ellis, N. C. Memory in Mind, Literature, and Language. Invited presentation, the School of Literatures, Cultural Studies and Linguistics at the University of Illinois at Chicago. 24 September, 2014.

Ellis, N. C. Salience. Invited presentation at the workshop: The Changing English Language: Psycholinguistic Perspectives, The International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE) Conference, 24-27, August, Zurich. 2014.

Römer, U., Roberson, A., Ellis, N. C., & O’Donnell. Exploring the value of combining learner corpus and experimental data in studying L2 learner knowledge of verb-argument constructions. American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL 2104), Flagstaff, September 26-28, 2014.

Ogden, D. & Ellis, N. C.  Child Acquisition of Distributional and Semantic Properties of Verb-Argument Constructions (VACs) and Its Lead in Adult Usage. The 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference,  Lancaster University, 29-31 July 2014.

Ellis, N. C. Usage-based Models of First and Second Language Acquisition. Distinguished Visiting Lecturer series, Temple University Japan, Tokyo and Osaka campuses. June, 2014.


Ellis, N. C.  Second Language Cognition. Plenary presentation: Human Language Technology for Language Learning (HLT4LL). An interdisciplinary symposium on the contribution of Human Language Technologies to the future of Language Learning. Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Studies, South-Africa, 11-12 November 2013

Ellis, N. C. The role of usage in learning.  Plenary presentation at the international conference,  Thinking, doing, learning: Usage based perspectives on second language learning, University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Denmark, April 24-26, 2013.

Ellis, N.C. Invited participant. Associationism/Emergentism. Penn State Symposium on Alternative Approaches to SLA, May 10-11, Penn State University, 2013.

Ellis,  N. C. Invited presenter, Bridging the gap: Cognitive and social approaches in applied linguistics. Featured colloquium at the 2013 annual conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), March 16-19, Dallas, Texas.

Römer, U., Roberson, A., Ellis, N. C., & O’Donnell, M. Linking learner corpus and experimental data in studying second language learners’ knowledge of verb-argument constructions. The 34th ICAME conference, Santiago de Compostela, 22-26 May 2013.

O’Donnell, M., Ellis, N. C., & Römer, U., (2013). The latent structure of language usage. Symposium on Usage-based Approaches to SLA. Annual conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), March 16-19, Dallas, Texas


Ellis, N. C.. Construction usage and acquisition just Zipfs right along  Plenary presentation The 5th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, Freiburg, Germany, October 10-12, 2012.

Ellis, N. C. Humans make language and language makes us human: Language as a complex adaptive system. Public lecture, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, July 12, 2012.

Ellis, N. C., O’Donnell, M. B., & Römer, U.  Does language Zipf right along? Investigating robustness in the latent structures of usage and acquisition. Plenary presentation Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics on “Measured Language”, March 9-March 11, 2012.

Sagarra, N., & Ellis, N. C.  Cross-linguistic differences in acquiring L2 temporal reference. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. University of Florida at Gainesville. October 25-28, 2012.

Sagarra, N., & Ellis, N. C.  Delayed transfer effects in processing L2 tense. Second Language Research Forum. University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University. October 18-21, 2012

O’Donnell, M & Ellis, N. C., Corden, G.  Exploring semantics in verb argument constructions using community identification algorithms. Language & Network Science symposium, The International Conference on Network Science NETSCI 2012 , Northwestern University, June 18-22, 2012.

Römer, U., O’Donnell, M & Ellis, N. C.   What do speakers know about English Verb-Argument Constructions? Combining corpus and psycholinguistic evidence from L1 and L2 settings. The 33rd ICAME conference, Leuven, Belgium, 30 May – 3 June, 2012.

Ellis, N. C., O’Donnell, M. B., & Römer, U.  Usage-Based Language- Investigating the Latent Structures that Underpin Acquisition.  Currents in Language Learning, University of Michigan, April 1-2, 2012.

Römer, U., O’Donnell, M & Ellis, N. C.   Measuring speakers’ knowledge of English verb-argument constructions: Psycholinguistic evidence from L1 and L2 settings. Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics on “Measured Language”, March 9-March 11, 2012.


Ellis, N. C. 20 years’ research into The Role of Formulaic Language in SLA: Lessons from and for Learner Corpus Research. Plenary presentation. Learner corpus research, 2011, Centre for English Corpus Linguistics, Université catholique de Louvain, 15-17 September, 2011.

Ellis, N. C. Learned attention. Plenary presentation. Postgraduate Workshop on language acquisition, University of Cambridge, Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics, March 14, 2011.

Ellis, N. C. Closing remarks.  The Fourth A. Guiora Language Learning-Max Planck Institute Roundtable Conference in the Cognitive NeuroScience of Language – Individual Differences in Second Language Learning,  Max Planck Institute Nijmegen, 22-23 September, 2011

Ellis, N. C. & O’Donnell, M. Exploring Zipfian Distributions in English Verb Argument Constructions. Invited speaker, University of Tübingen, June 10, 2011

Ellis, N. C. 8 Principles of L2 Cognition. Invited seminar, University of Cambridge, ESOL, March 16, 2011.

O’Donnell, M. B., Römer, U. & Ellis, N. C. VACnet: Retrieving and analyzing verb-argument constructions at scale. American Association for Corpus Linguistics Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, October 7-9, 2011.

Ellis, N. C., & O’Donnell, M. B. (2011). Robust Language Acquisition – an Emergent Consequence of Language as a Complex Adaptive System. CogSci 2011, 33rd annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Boston, Massachusetts, July 20-23, 2011.

O’Donnell, M. B., Römer, U. & Ellis, N. C.  Exploring Zipfian Distributions in English Verb Argument Constructions: Corpus and Psycholinguistic Evidence. Corpus Linguistics 2011: Discourse and Corpus Linguistics, Birmingham, England, July 20-22, 2011.

Ellis, N. C.  Chunking. 2 day workshop at Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies, Graduate Program on Frequency Effects, June 22-23, 2011.

Sagarra, N., Ellis, N., & Gauthier, J. Processing verbal morphological agreement in L1 and L2: Language experience, working memory and linguistic effects. 7th International Morphological Processing Conference. Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language. Donostia, Spain, June, 2011.

O’Donnell, M., Römer, U., & Ellis, N. C.   Learning Verb Argument Constructions: New perspectives from Corpus and Psycholinguistic Analyses, International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE) conference, Boston, Massachusetts, June 17-21, 2011.

Sagarra, N., Ellis, N., Gauthier, J., & Hauser, C. Language experience and cognitive factors affecting adult language acquisition. International Symposium on Bilingualism 8. University of Oslo, Norway, June 15 – 18, 2011.

Ellis, N. C.  & O’Donnell, M.  Robust language acquisition – It just Zipfs right along. Talk, MPI-EVA Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, May 26, 2011.

Ellis, N. C. Workshop on Second Language Acquisition, University of Basel, May 18, 2011.

Ellis, N. C. Usage-based approaches to SLA. Lecture, University of Basel, May 16, 2011.

O’Donnell, M., Ellis, N. C., Römer, U., & Corden, G. VACNET: Extracting and analyzing non-trivial linguistic structures at scale. The 2nd Workshop on Data, Text, Web, and Social Network Mining, University of Michigan, April 22, 2011

O’Donnell, M., Römer, U., & Ellis, N. C.  What do people know about verbs in constructions? Combining Corpus and Psycholinguistic Evidence University of Alabama Symposium on Exploring the Boundaries and Applications of Corpus Linguistics, April 15-17, 2011

Ellis, N. C.  & O’Donnell, M. Language acquisition just Zipf’s right along. Seminar ESRC Research Centre on Bilingualism, Bangor University,  March 21, 2011

Ellis, N. C. Robust language acquisition – It just Zipfs right along. Invited speaker, University of Cambridge, Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics, March 15, 2011.

Ellis, N. C. Robust language acquisition – an emergent property of Language as a Complex Adaptive System. Language Development Seminar, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, March 2, 2011.

Ellis, N. C. Learned attention and transfer in SLA. Invited speaker,  Applied Linguistics Research Group, University of Oxford, March 1, 2011.

Ellis, N. C. Second Language Cognition. Invited speaker, Department of Education, University of Oxford, February 28, 2011.

Ellis, N. C. & O’Donnell, M. Language acquisition Zipfs right along. Invited speaker, Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Montreal, January 29, 2011.


Ellis, N. C. Implicit and Explicit SLA and their Interface. Plenary presentation: The 27th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the R.O.C, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan, May 1-2, 2010.

Ellis, N. C. Second Language Cognition. Plenary presentation: The First Teachers College Columbia University RoundTable in Second Language Studies: Second Language Acquisition of Chinese, Columbia University, New York, October 1-2, 2010.

Ellis, N. C. Implicit and Explicit SLA and their Interface. Plenary presentation: The 6th International ELT Research Conference with the theme of Current Trends In SLA Research And Language Teaching. Ephesus, Turkey, May 14-16, 2010.

Ellis, N. C. 8 Principles of Second Language Cognition. Distinguished Lecture Series. UC Language Consortium, UC Davis, Oct 21-22, 2010.

Ellis, N. C. Usage-based SLA: Insights from Corpus and Cognitive Linguistics. Invited featured speaker, SLS lecture series, Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Second Language Studies, Ohio State University, October 15-16, 2010.

Ellis, N. C. Panel plenary presentation – Lexical acquisition track. Copenhagen Symposium on Approaches to the Lexicon. Copenhagen Business School, December 8-10, 2010.

Ellis, N. C. Lexical acquisition, processing, and use just Zipfs right along. Copenhagen Symposium on Approaches to the Lexicon. Copenhagen Business School, December 8-10, 2010.

Ellis, N.C. & O’Donnell, M. Towards an Inventory of English Verb Constructions from Language Corpora. Presentation CompLing discussion group, Ohio State University, October 15, 2010.

Sagarra, N. Ellis, N., Seibert Hanson, A., & Crespo, M. The role of L1 and L2 experience in the acquisition of L2 Spanish tense. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Indiana University, Bloomington October 14-17, 2010

Martin, K., & Ellis, N. C. The Roles of Phonological STM and Working Memory in L2 Grammar and Vocabulary Acquisition. The Second Language Research Forum (SLRF  2010),  University of Maryland, College Park October 14-17th, 2010.

Sagarra, N., Ellis, N., & Holmes, B. Transfer effects in the L2 processing of temporal reference. The Second Language Research Forum (SLRF  2010),  University of Maryland, College Park October 14-17th, 2010.

Ellis, N. C. & O’Donnell, M. Micro 2 Macro in the Emergence of Language. Micro 2 Macro: Aggregation, Organization, and Emergence. Annual UM-SFI Conference, Ann Arbor Michigan October 7-8, 2010

O’Donnell, M. & Ellis, N.C.   Towards an Inventory of English Verb Argument Constructions. Workshop on Extracting and Using Constructions in Computational Linguistics, Human Language Technologies: The 11th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Los Angeles, June 1–6, 2010.

O’Donnell, M. & Ellis, N.C.   Extracting an Inventory of English Verb Constructions from Language Corpora. Workshop on Data, Text, Web, and Social Network Mining, University of Michigan Computer Science and Engineering and School of Information,  April 23, 2010

O’Donnell, M. & Ellis, N.C.   Towards an Inventory of English Verb Constructions from Language Corpora. Presentation Center for the Study of Complex Systems, University of Michigan,  April, 2010


Ellis, N. C. Language Corpora and Language Usage: Cognitive Implications of Corpus Linguistics. Plenary presentation: The 30th ICAME conference, Lancaster, UK, 27th-31st May 2009.

Ellis, N. C. Implicit and Explicit SLA and their Interface. Keynote address, Georgetown University Roundtable On Languages And Linguistics: The implicit/explicit dichotomy in SLA & Bilingualism: Conditions, processes, and knowledge, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., March 13-15, 2009

Ellis, N. C. Cognitive aspects of SLA. Summer Institute in Applied Linguistics, Penn State University, June 21 – July 4, 2009.

Ellis, N.C. The emergence of second language constructions. SLATE Invited Speaker Series, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, November 12-13, 2009.

Ellis, N. C. Language as a Complex Adaptive System—Introduction. Podcast introducing the LaCAS conference

O’Donnell, M. & Ellis, N.C.   Nomi Nomi how does your network grow?’ Applying methods from network science to the study language acquisition. Poster presentation, Boston University Conference on Language Development, November 6-8, 2009.

O’Donnell, M., Römer, U., & Ellis, N.C.   Examining formulaic sequences in corpora of second language writing. Paper presented at The Second Language Research Forum (SLRF 2009), Michigan State University, October 29-November 1, 2009

Sagarra, N. & Ellis, N. C. Lexical and syntactic processing of temporal reference. Workshop on Processing Verbal Morphology in Spanish:  Psycholinguistic Evidence in Adult and Child Acquisition, Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Puerto Rico, October 21, 2009

Ellis, N. C. Statistical Learning and the Emergence of L2 Constructions  from Usage, Georgetown University Roundtable On Languages And Linguistics: The implicit/explicit dichotomy in SLA & Bilingualism: Conditions, processes, and knowledge, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., March 13-15, 2009

Sagarra, N. & Ellis, N. C. Learned Attention Effects in L2 Acquisition of Temporal Reference in Latin and Spanish: The First Hour and the Next Eight Semesters. The Third A. Guiora Annual Roundtable Conference in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language: The earliest stages of language learning. Sponsored by Language Learning and the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. MPI, Nijmegen, October 8-9, 2009

Ellis, N. C. Does linguistic construction Zipf right along? Seminar Series, Department of Linguistics, University of Michigan, September 25, 2009.

Ellis, N. C. Implicit and Explicit Second Language Acquisition and their Interface, The Reading Center, University of Stavanger, Norway. August 27 – 29, 2009.

O’Donnell, M., & Ellis, N. C.   Measuring formulaic language in corpora from the perspective of Language as a Complex System. 5th Corpus Linguistics Conference, University of Liverpool, 20-23 July, 2009

Ellis, N. C. & Sagarra, N. Learned Attention, Blocking, and Transfer in Processing Temporal Reference. International Symposium on Bilingualism 7. Utrecht University, July, 8 – 11, 2009

Römer, U., Nick Ellis, N. C., & Meunier, F. Corpora and SLA. Pre-conference workshop: The 30th ICAME conference, Lancaster, UK, 27th-31st May 2009.

Ellis, N. C. Construction learning as category learning: A cognitive analysis. Interdisciplinary Centre for Cognitive Linguistics at the University of Munich, May 25, 2009.

Ellis, N. C. Construction learning as category learning: A cognitive analysis. The Interdisciplinary Centre for Research on Lexicography, Valency and Collocations at the University of Erlangen, May 22, 2009.

Ellis, N. C. Applying cognitive linguistics to second language learning: Experimental evidence. Discussant for the symposium organized by Tyler and Verspoor at AAAL 2009, the annual conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics,  Denver, CO. March 21-March 24, 2009.

Ellis, N. C., O’Donnell, M. B., Römer, U., Gries, S. T., & Wulff, S. Measuring the formulaicity of language. Paper presented at AAAL 2009, the annual conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics,  Denver, CO. March 21-March 24, 2009.

Taylor, H., Ellis, N. C., & Sagarra, N. Learned attention effects in SLA,  Georgetown University Roundtable On Languages And Linguistics: The implicit/explicit dichotomy in SLA & Bilingualism: Conditions, processes, and knowledge, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., March 13-15, 2009


Ellis, N. C. Language Use,  Language Change, Language Acquisition and Language Instruction: The Dynamics of Adult Language Acquisition. Keynote presentation: PacSLRF 2008 & the Third National Symposium on SLA Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China, March 21-23, 2008

Ellis, N. C. Cognitive principles of L2 construction learning. Plenary presentation, 32nd International LAUD Symposium, Cognitive approaches to Second/Foreign language processing: Theory and pedagogy, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany, March 10-13, 2008.

Ellis, N.C. Constructing a second language. Gil Watz speaker, Centre for Language Acquisition, Pennsylvania State University, October 10, 2008.

Ellis, N. C. Language as a Complex Adaptive System. Poster presented at National Academies Keck Futures Initiative Complex Systems conference at the Academies’ Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center in Irvine, California, November 13 – November 15, 2008.

Ellis, N. C. & Larsen-Freeman, D. Analyses and simulations of the emergence of linguistic constructions from usage. Presentation at the conference Language as a Complex Adaptive System, University of Michigan, November 8-9, 2008.

Ellis, N. C. The dynamics of second language emergence: Cycles of language use, language change, and language acquisition. Paper presented at Emergence in Physical, Biological, and Social Systems III, University of Michigan, November 7, 2008

Ellis, N. C.  & Cadierno, T.  Constructing a second language.   Symposium at AILA 2008, the 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Essen, August 24-29, 2008.

Ellis, N. C.  & Ferreira-Junior, F.  Form, frequency and function in the learning of constructions. Paper presented at AILA 2008, the 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Essen, August 24-29, 2008

Ellis, N. C. & Simpson-Vlach, R. An Academic Formulas List (AFL): Corpus Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, and Education. Paper presented at TaLC8 – The 8th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference, Lisbon, 4-6 July, 2008.

Ellis, N. C. – An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition from an Emergentist Perspective. University of Cáceres, Spain. July 1, 2008.

Collins, L., & Ellis, N. C.  Second language construction learning: Frequency, form and function. Symposium at AAAL 2008, the annual conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Washington DC, March 29-April 1, 2008.

Ellis, N. C.  & Ferreira Jnr., F.  Construction learning as a function of frequency, frequency distribution, form and function. Paper presented at AAAL 2008, the annual conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Washington DC, March 29-April 1, 2008.

Wulff, S., Ellis, N. C., Römer, U., Bardovi-Harlig, K., & LeBlanc, C. A constructional analysis of tense-aspect in spoken English. Paper presented at AAAL 2008, the annual conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Washington DC, March 29-April 1, 2008.


Ellis, N. C. Second Language Constructions: Learning as a function of frequency distribution, form and function. Keynote presentation: Cognition applied: Usage-based linguistics and language learning. Annual symposium of the Language and Cognition Research Group,  University of Southern Denmark. August 23, 2007.

Ellis, N. C. & Bogart, P.  Speech and Language Technology in Education: The Perspective from SLA Research and Practice. Keynote  presentation: SlaTE Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop, Farmington, Pennsylvania USA, October 1-3, 2007.

Ellis, N. C. Discussion on How does knowledge of the L1 affect L2 acquisition? The “Continued Study of Language Acquisition and Evolution” workgroup meeting, Santa Fe Institute,  1-3 March 2007.

Ellis, N. C. The development of time cognition and is implications for the development of time in language, comments on McCormack. Discussant at the 2nd A. Guiora Language Learning-Max Planck Institute Roundtable Conference Series in Cognitive Neuroscience of Language, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, October 17-18,2007.

Ellis, N. C. Usage-based Vocabulary Acquisition and Lexical Dynamics: What are the necessaries you can only get from usage, and why aren’t these incidentals sufficient?. Vocabulary in second/foreign language learning theme session, Language and Cognition Research Group,  University of Southern Denmark. August 24, 2007.

Ellis, N. C. SLA: Theories and methods. Round Table on Behavioral-Genetic Approaches to Second Language Acquisition sponsored by Language Learning, Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado, Boulder, June 16-17, 2007.

Ellis, N. C. Learned Attention in Language Acquisition: Blocking. Poster presented at the 30th annual Second Language Research Forum (SLRF 2007),  October 11-14, 2007, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Ellis, N. C.  & Ferreira Jnr., F.  Form, function and frequency in the learning of L2 constructions Paper presented at the 30th annual Second Language Research Forum (SLRF 2007),  October 11-14, 2007, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Chen, L., Ellis, N., Fernandez-Salgueiro, G., Boland, J. E.. Conceptually constraining context effects on bilingual lexical activation. Paper presented at the 6th International Symposium on Bilingualism. May 30 – June 2, 2007, University of Hamburg

Ellis, N. C. Blocking and Learned Attention in Language Acquisition. Poster presented at CogSci 2007, the Twenty Ninth Cognitive Science Conference. Nashville, Tennesse, August  1-4, 2007.

Ellis, N. C. Learned Attention in Language Acquisition: Blocking, Salience, and Cue Competition. Paper presented at EuroCogSci07, the Second European Cognitive Science Conference. Delphi, Greece, May 23-27, 2007.

Ellis, N. C., Simpson-Vlach, R., Maynard, C. The processing of formulas in native and second-language speakers: Psycholinguistic and corpus determinants. UWM Linguistics Symposium on Formulaic Language, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, April 16-21, 2007.

Ellis, N. C., Frey, E., Jalkanen, I. Psycholinguistic investigations of semantic prosody: When good words fall into bad company. UWM Linguistics Symposium on Formulaic Language, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, April 16-21, 2007.

Ellis, N. C. The Psycholinguistics of the Interaction Hypothesis: Balancing Usage-Based and Form-focused SLA. Paper presented to the American Association of Applied Linguistics annual conference, Costa Mesa, California, 21-24 April, 2007.

Ellis, N. C.  The processing of formulas in native and second-language speakers: Psycholinguistic and corpus determinants. Brigham Young University, Data-oriented Linguistics Research Group, November 8-9, 2007.

Ellis, N. C. The psycholinguistic reality of collocation and semantic prosody. Brigham Young University, Data-oriented Linguistics Research Group, November 8-9, 2007.

Ellis, N. C. Form, function and frequency in usage-based learning of L2 constructions. Brigham Young University, Data-oriented Linguistics Research Group, November 8-9, 2007.

Ellis, N. C. Language Use, Language Change, Language Acquisition and Language Instruction: The Dynamics of Second Language Acquisition. Brigham Young University, Data-oriented Linguistics Research Group, November 8-9, 2007.

Ellis, N. C. Language Use,  Language Change, Language Acquisition and Language Instruction: The Dynamics of Adult Language Acquisition. Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center (PSLC) seminar series, March 19-20, 2007.

Ellis, N. C. Psycholinguistic, Corpus Linguistic, and Educational perspectives on Linguistic Formulas. Pittsburgh Learning Research and Development Center, March 19-20, 2007.


Ellis, N. C. The Nature of the Interface in SLA: Some implications for the Nature of the Interface in CALL. Plenary presentation, UNTELE 2005, the 6th biannual conference on the use of educational technology and foreign language teaching,  University of Technology of Compiègne, Paris, March 2005.

Ellis, N. C. Implicit and explicit language learning and their interface. Course for the second Summer Institute in Applied Linguistics,  Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania,  July 11-July 21, 2005.

Ellis, N. C. & Larsen-Freeman, D. (2005) (organizers)  Language emergence. Symposium  AILA/AAAL 2005, University of Wisconsin-Madison, July, 2005.

Ellis, N. C. Language Use,  Language Change, Language Acquisition and Language Instruction: The Dynamics of SLA. Combined Program in Education and Psychology Seminar Series, Department of Education, University of Michigan, December 6, 2006

Ellis, N. C. Cognitive and Perceptual aspects of Adult language acquisition. Cognition and Perception Seminar Series, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, April 13, 2006

Ellis, N. C. Cognitive and perceptual aspects of Second language acquisition. Invited Speaker Series, English Language Institute, University of Michigan. April 10, 2006

Ellis, N. C. The Associative-Cognitive CREED. Paper in the official invited colloquium of the SLA Scientific Commission on the theme of “Main themes in second language acquisition research.” AILA/AAAL 2005, University of Wisconsin-Madison, July, 2005.

Ellis, N. C. Cognitive processes in the emergence of second language as a dynamic system. Paper presented to the American Association of Applied Linguistics annual conference, Montreal Quebe Canadac, 17-20 June, 2006.

Ellis, N. C., Simpson-Vlach, R., Maynard, C. The processing of formulas in native and second-language speakers: Psycholinguistic and corpus determinants. International Conference: “Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface”. Hanover, Germany, 5-7 October, 2006.

Ellis, N. C., , Frey, E., Jalkanen, I. Psycholinguistic investigations of semantic prosody: When good words fall into bad company. International Conference: “Exploring the Lexis-Grammar Interface”. Hanover, Germany, 5-7 October, 2006.

Ellis, N. C. Discussant for the symposium, Second Language Vocabulary: The Interface between Learning and Representation, American Association of Applied Linguistics annual conference, Montreal Quebe Canadac, 17-20 June, 2006.

Simpson, R., & Ellis, N. C. An Academic Formulas List (AFL): Extraction, Validation, Prioritization. Phraseology. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, October, 2005.

Ellis, N. C.  Discussant for the symposium, The effects of instruction on the acquisition of implicit and explicit knowledge of a second language, AILA/AAAL 2005, University of Wisconsin-Madison, July, 2005.


Ellis, N. C.  Usage-based language acquisition: Insights from frequency effect.  Invited lecture. Department of Second Language Acquisition, Stockholm University, 28 April, 2006.

Ellis, N. C.  Formulaic language: Triangulating Psycholinguistic, Corpus Linguistic and Educational perspectives. Invited lecture. Department of English, Stockholm University, 27 April, 2006.

Ellis, N. C. At the interface: Dynamic interactions of implicit and explicit language knowledge. Invited presentation, University of Berkeley,  3 May, 2005.

Ellis, N. C. Why is SLA so difficult: Cognitive and perceptual aspects of learned attention to language.  Invited workshop. Department of Second Language Acquisition, Stockholm University, 28 April, 2006.

Ellis, N. C. At the interface: Dynamic interactions of implicit and explicit language knowledge. Invited presentation, University of California, Davis,  4 May, 2005.

Ellis, N. C. At the interface: Dynamic interactions of implicit and explicit language knowledge. Invited presentation, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/ University of Toronto,  25 February, 2005.

Ellis, N. C. Associative and cognitive aspects of SLA. Invited lecture. Michigan State University, 5 December, 2005.


Ellis, N. C. Psycho-second-linguistics. Keynote presentation, Inaugural meeting of the BAAL Psycholinguistics group, Cambridge, England, July, 2004.

Ellis, N. C. Usage-based and form-focussed language acquisition. Plenary presentation,  Georgetown University Roundtable On Languages And Linguistics: Language in Use: Cognitive and Discourse Perspectives on Language and Language Learning, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., February, 2003

Ellis, N. C. Solving the problem spaces of language: Learning to read in syllabic, alphabetic, and logographic scripts. Public Lecture, Department of Applied Language Studies and Linguistics Series, University of Auckland,  New Zealand. 9 April, 2003

Ellis, N. C. Usage-based Vocabulary Acquisition: What are the necessaries you can only get from usage, and why aren’t these incidentals sufficient? Applied Linguistics Association of New Zealand Public Lecture, School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand,  28 April, 2003

Ellis, N. C. From literature reviews to specialized corpora: Individualized corpora for ESP. Paper presented to AAACL6, the sixth conference of the American Association of Applied Corpus Linguistics, University of Michigan, May, 2004.

Ellis, N. C. Rational first language acquisition, irrational SLA, and some explanations from associative learning theory. Paper presented to the Chester Language Development Group meeting, Nantgwrtheyrn, Wales, March, 2004.

Ellis, N. C. Usage-based and form-focussed SLA. Invited course for the  Netherlands Graduate School in Linguistics (LOT) winter-school.  12-16 January, 2004.


Ellis, N. C. Usage-based and Form-focused Second Language Acquisition. Distinguished Visiting Lecturer series, Temple Universty Japan, Osaka and Tokyo campuses. March, 2003.

Ellis, N. C. Developmental dyslexia in syllabic, alphabetic, and logographic scripts. Invited presentation and workshop for NPO-EDGE – the Japanese Dyslexia Association. Roppongi, Tokyo, January 21-22.

Ellis, N. C. Words in Mind and Brain: Implications for Vocabulary Acquisition and Instruction. Distinguished Visiting Lecturer seriesTemple Universty Japan, Osaka and Tokyo campuses. January, 2003.


Ellis, N. C. Unconscious and conscious sources of language acquisition. Plenary presentation, the 6th International Conference of the Association of Language Awareness, Umeå, Sweden, July, 2002.

Ellis, N. C. The processes of second language acquisition. Plenary presentation to the conference Form-meaning connections in second language acquisition, University of Illinois at Chicago, February, 2002.

Ellis, N. C. Implicit and explicit language learning and their interactions. Plenary presentation at the 5th St Mary’s College colloquium on English Language Teaching, Explicit Knowledge in Second Language Acquisition, February 2002.

Ellis, N. C. Summation and future directions, Discussant of the symposium, Dyslexia and English as a second language (including bilingualism): Issues, research, diagnosis, and solutions at the 52nd Annual Conference of the International Dyslexia Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October, 2001

Ellis, N. C. Learning language and predicting the future: Why language learning is implicit learning. Invited ‘prominent second language researcher’ lecture, Washington University St. Louis, April, 2002.

Ellis N. C. Frequency effect in language acquisition: an overview with implications for theories of explicit and implicit learning; Frequency effects in morphosyntax; Frequency effects in reading and spelling; The role of phonological working memory in language acquisition; Workshop on implicit and explicit learning. Invited plenary sessions presented at the 21st Jyväskylä Summer School of Applied Language Studies, Language, Cognition, Awareness, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, June, 2001.

Ellis, N. C. Acquisition of syllabic, alphabetic and logographic scripts. Paper in the symposium Cross-linguistic differences in first and second language reading, AILA 2002, the 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Singapore, December, 2002.

Ellis, N. C., & Rickard-Liow, S. Cross-linguistic differences in first and second language reading, symposium organised at AILA 2002, the 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Singapore, December, 2002.

Ellis, N. C. Frequency effects in language processing: Implications for separate implicit and explicit learning in the acquisition of constructions. Paper presented to the Second International Conference on Construction Grammar, Helsinki, September, 2002.

Ellis, N. C. Frequency effects in language acquisition. Session presented to the North West Centre for Linguistics, Autumn Research Training Programme, Manchester, September, 2002.

Ellis, N. C. Language learning and predicting the future: The unconscious counts in language learning. Paper presented to the 20th Conference of the Association for Teaching Psychology, University of Wales Bangor, July, 2002.

Ellis, N. C. Cross-linguistic comparisons: Assessing and understanding the effects of scripts on acquisition of reading and spelling. Presentation at the workshop, European Initiative on Cross-Linguistic Research in Reading, Bangor, Wales, May, 2002.

Ellis, N. C. The cognitive neuroscience of noticing and fluency. AAAL’2002, the Annual Conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Salt Lake, April, 2002.

Ellis, N. C. Implications of psycholinguistic frequency effects for theories of construction learning. Paper presented to the Chester Language Development Group meeting, Gregynog, Wales, March, 2002.

Ellis, N. C., & Hicks, W. CHUNKER – Simulations of normal and delayed reading and spelling acquisition. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual Conference of the International Dyslexia Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October, 2001

Ellis, N. C. The view from Language Learning. Invited paper in the colloquium Past and Future Issues: Journal Editors Reflect on Applied Linguistics. AAAL’2001, the Annual Conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, St. Louis, Missouri, April, 2001.

Ellis, N. C. Formalising theories of reading acquisition using computational modelling. Invited paper in the colloquium What’s new in L2 reading research, what’s next?. AAAL’2001, the Annual Conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, St. Louis, Missouri, April, 2001.

Ellis, N. C. Language learning and instruction; Problem spaces and cognition: Reading acquisition in syllabic, alphabetic, and logographic scripts. Paper presented at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, November, 2002.

Ellis, N. C. Failing to learn language: When explicit learning is necessary for SLA. Invited ‘Prominent Second Language Researcher’ workshop, Washington University St. Louis, April, 2002.


Ellis, N. C. Attention and phonological working memory in the implicit and explicit automatization of second language structure. Plenary presentation at the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) NELSON workshop on second language reading, writing and automatization, Amsterdam, February, 2000.

Ellis, N. C. Implicit and explicit learning in second language acquisition. Plenary presentation, Symposium on Metalinguistic awareness: Theoretical and methodological perspectives, Odense, Denmark, April, 2000.

Ellis, N. C. Rules and instances in language learning. Invited paper presented to the conference on Bilingualism: From Basic Research to Educational Practice, Rovereto, Italy November-December 2000.

Ellis, N. C. Connections in working memory: Implicit and explicit learning of second-language constructions. Paper in the symposium on “Implicit second language learning: Issues and implications” 12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Tokyo, August, 1999.

Ellis, N. C., & Hicks, W. Learning to read English, German, Welsh and Dutch: Computational simulations. Paper presented to SLRF ‘2000 – the Second Language Research Forum, University of Wisconsin-Madison, September, 2000.

Ellis, N. C., & Hicks, W. Chunker 1. 0: a two layer exemplar-based model of reading and spelling acquisition. Cross-linguistic simulations of learning to read in English, German, Welsh and Dutch. Paper presented to the conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Stockholm, July, 2000.

Ellis, N. C., & Hooper, A. M. Beginning to read in Welsh and English: Effects of orthographic transparency demonstrated using matched cross-linguistic reading tests. Paper presented to the conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Stockholm, July, 2000.

Ellis, N. C. What is the role of short-term memory in language acquisition? Paper presented to the Chester Language Development Group meeting, Gregynog, Wales, April-May, 1999.

Ellis, N. C. Frequency effects in second language acquisition. Paper presented to the SLATE (Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education) Program Speaker Series, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April, 2000.

Ellis, N. C. Frequency effects in language acquisition. Paper presented to AAAL’2000, the Annual Conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Vancouver, March, 2000.


Ellis, N. C. Cognitive linguistic perspectives on first and second language acquisition. Discussant of the session First and Second Language Acquisition and Development of the 6th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Stockholm University, July, 1999.

Ellis, N. C. Memory for language. Invited presentation, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, March, 1999.

Ellis, N. C. The representation of a second language in memory. Invited colloquium paper presented to AAAL’99, the Annual Conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Stamford, Connecticut, March, 1999.

Pothos, E. M., Juola, P., & Ellis, N. C. (1999) Linguistic structure and short-term memory. In Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 810, LEA: Mahwah, NJ.

Ellis, N. C. Frequency effects in first and second language acquisition. Paper presented to the Department of Linguistics UW Bangor seminar series, February, 2000.


Ellis, N. C. Emergentism, connectionism and language learning. Plenary presentation to the Language Learning 50th Jubilee symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, September, 1998.

Ellis, N. C. Connectionist models of lexical acquisition. Plenary presentation to SLRF ‘98 – the Second Language Research Forum, University of Hawai’i, Honolulu, October, 1998.

Ellis, N. C., Reber, A. S., & Lee, M. W. Phonological working memory in artificial language acquisition. Paper presented to the 39th meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Dallas, November, 1998.

Ellis, N. C. & Lee, M. W. The role of phonological working memory in the acquisition of second language structure. Paper presented to the Eighth Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association, The British Institute in Paris, September, 1998.

Ellis, N. C. Language learning as emergence. Paper presented to Centre for Language and Communication, University of Wales Cardiff in the Cardiff Language Seminar series, May, 1998.

Ellis, N. C. LEXiCON – A connectionist exploration of the associative principles of monolingual and multilingual lexical systems. Paper presented to AAAL’98, the Annual Conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Seattle, Washington, March, 1998.


Ellis, N. C. Connectionist perspectives on SLA. Plenoqium presentation to SLRF ‘97 – the Second Language Research Forum, Michigan State University, East Lansing, October, 1997.

Ellis, N. C. Words in mind: The mental representation of words and their meaning. Public lecture, Trinity College, Dublin, April, 1997.

Laporte, N., Ellis, N., O’Dochartaigh, C., Hicks, B., Hughes, E., Quinn, P., & Morgan, M. The design and evaluation of a second language tutoring system: What works, what doesn’t? Paper presented to the Computers in Language Teaching (CILT) conference , University of Cambridge, January, 1998.

Ellis, N. C. Grounding lexical meaning in imagery: The eyes have it. Paper presented to the 5th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, July, 1997.

Ellis, N. C. Emergentism, connectionism and language acquisition. Paper presented at an invited research visit to the Department of Applied Linguistics, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, March, 1998.

Ellis, N. C. Explicit and implicit learning and instruction in SLA. Paper presented at an invited research visit to the Department of English as a Second Language, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, March, 1998.

Ellis, N. C. Connectionist models of language acquisition. Paper presented to the Department of Psychology, University of Hertfordshire, October, 1997.

Ellis, N. C. Connectionist approaches to language acquisition and SLA as sequence learning. Workshops presented to post-graduate programme in Language and Communication Studies, Trinity College Dublin, April, 1997.

Ellis, N. C. Language acquisition is orderly, but not rule-governed. Paper presented to the Department of Psychology, University of Wales, Swansea, February, 1997.


Ellis, N. C. The psychology of vocabulary and lexis. Plenary speaker at the 5th Dyfryn Conference on Vocabulary and Lexis, Cardiff, March/April, 1995.

Ellis, N. C. Working out how words work or top ten reasons for language acquisition as sequence learning and analysis. Paper presented to the Second Language Research Forum, University of Arizona, Tucson, October, 1996.

Ellis, N. C. The Role of Working Memory in the Acquisition of Grammar. Paper in the symposium on “Testing SLA Theory in the Psychology Laboratory”, 11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Jyväskylä, Finland, August, 1996.

Ellis, N. C. & Schmidt. R. Rules or associations in the acquisition of second language morphology? Human learning of regular and irregular morphosyntax, and connectionist simulations of the frequency by regularity interaction. Paper presented to the Second Language Research Forum, University of Arizona, Tucson, October, 1996.

Laporte, N., Ellis, N. C., O’Dochartaigh, C., Hicks, B., Hughes, E., Quinn, P., & Morgan, M. Evaluating Rhugl (Fluent) – A new CALL program for Welsh. Paper presented to the 29th annual meeting of the British Association of Applied Linguistics, University of Wales, Swansea, September, 1996.

Ellis, N. C. The epigenesis of language: acquisition as a sequence learning problem. Plenary paper presented to the 29th annual meeting of the British Association of Applied Linguistics, University of Wales, Swansea, September, 1996.

Laporte, N., Ellis, N. C., O’Dochartaigh, C., Hicks, B., Hughes, E., Quinn, P., & Morgan, M. Evaluating Rhugl (Fluent) – A new CALL program for Welsh. Paper presented to EuroCALL 96. Hungary, August, 1996.

Ellis, N. C. Lexical Sequence Analysis in SLA. Paper in the symposium on “Perspectives on lexical acquisition in a second language”, 11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Jyväskylä, Finland, August, 1996.

Ellis, N. C. & Schmidt. R. Rules or Associations in the Acquisition of Second Language Morphology? Paper in the symposium on “Second Language Lexical Processing”, 11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Jyväskylä, Finland, August, 1996.

Ellis, N. C. Rules or associations in the acquisition of second language morphology? Paper presented to the conference on NeuroLinguistics in a MultiLingual World, Birkbeck College, January, 1996.

Ellis, N. C. Sequencing in language acquisition. Paper presented to the Department of Psychology, University of Manchester, April, 1996.

Ellis, N. C. Sequences and chunks of language: A cognitive, functional, empiricist account of second language acquisition. Paper presented to the Centre for Language and Communication Studies, Trinity College Dublin, January, 1996.


Ellis, N. C. Implicit and explicit language acquisition processes. One week invited workshop as Distinguished Visiting Speaker to the Department of English as a Second Language, University of Hawaii at Manoa. February/March, 1995.

Ellis, N. C. Vocabulary acquisition. Three day invited workshop at the Royal Danish School of Educational Studies, Copenhagen and the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, April, 1995.

Ellis, N. C. Working memory in foreign language acquisition. Paper presented to LARS 95: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Second Language Acquisition and Cognitive Science, Utrecht, The Netherlands, May, 1995.

Ellis, N. C. The role of working memory in lexical development. Invited talk to the Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Lund University, Sweden, March, 1995.

Ellis, N. C. & Zinovieff, F. Words and images in determining consumer concept and use of a new product. Poster presentation to Unilever Research CREF Consumer Science Review. Chester, October-November, 1995.

Ellis, N. C. The things we don’t know we know, how they affect us, and how to measure them. Invited presentation to the Unilever Applied Consumer Science Department, Port Sunlight, October, 1995.


Ellis, N. C. The role of working memory in second and foreign language learning. Paper presented to the International Conference on Working Memory, Magdalene College, Cambridge, U. K., July, 1994.

Ellis, N. C. Motor imageability does not automatically afford meaning of memory for nouns. Paper presented to the Fifth European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition, Saarbrucken, Germany, July, 1994.

Ellis, N. C. Foreign language learning. Paper presented to the Cognitive Club, Department of Psychology, University of Essex. October, 1994.

Ellis, N. C. Writing systems in evolution and by design: Comments on Albertine Gaur’s Political Implications of Writing Systems. Paper presented to the European Science Foundation Network on Written Language and Literacy: Contexts of Literacy, Third Workshop, Nice, France, September, 1994.

Ellis, N. C. L2 vocabulary acquisition. Paper presented to the EuroSLA and BAAL Joint Workshop on Linguistic and Psychological Approaches to L2 Acquisition of Vocabulary, University of Essex, November, 1994.


Ellis, N. C. Consciousness in second language learning: Psychological perspectives on the role of conscious processes in vocabulary acquisition. Paper presented to the Tenth World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics, Amsterdam, August, 1993.


Ellis, N. C. Reading development. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA) International Conference in San Francisco, April, 1992, and the Australian Human Development Conference, Brisbane, July, 1992.

Ellis, N. C. Foreign language vocabulary acquisition. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA) International Conference in San Francisco, April, 1992.

Appleton, P. A., Ellis, N. C., Minchom, P. E., Boll, V., Jones, P. & Lawson, V. E. Psychological aspects of Spina Bifida. Presentations to Policymakers, Theatre Clwyd, Mold; September, 1992; European Academy of Childhood Disability, Venice; October, 1992; Association of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Conference, Peterborough; April, 1993; British Paediatric Association Conference, Warwick; April, 1993; Welsh Paediatric Society Conference, Llanberis; May, 1993; Society for Research into Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida Conference, Glasgow; June, 1993; International Conference in Cognitive Behaviour Therapies and Applied Behaviour Analysis with Children and Adolescents, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, July, 1995.

Ellis, N. C. Implicit and explicit learning of foreign languages. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA) International Conference in San Francisco, April, 1992, and the International Conference of the Second Language Research Forum for the Pacific (PacSLRF), Sydney, July, 1992.

Ellis, N. C. The cognitive psychology of foreign language learning. Invited Psychology Department Seminar, University of Reading, January, 1992.

Ellis, N. C. Imagery and word meaning. Invited paper presentations at CUNY, BrooklynUCSC, Santa CruzJames Cook University of Queensland; University of Western Australia; National University of Singapore, March-August, 1992.

Ellis, N. C. Reading development. Paper presented at CUNY Graduate School, Manhattan; University of KansasUniversity of Wollongong, March-July, 1992.

Ellis, N. C. Implicit/explicit language learning. Paper presented at University of Colorado at BoulderUniversity of Hawaii; Temple University Japan, Tokyo and Osaka campuses; National University of Singapore, March-August, 1992.

Ellis, N. C. Foreign language vocabulary acquisition. Paper presented at University of HawaiiTemple University Japan, Tokyo and Osaka campuses, April-May, 1992.

Ellis, N. C. The cognitive psychology of foreign language learning. Invited Psychology Department Seminar, University of Reading, January, 1992.


Ellis, N. C. Memory and meaning: Perceptual, imaginal & linguistic categories, frames & prototypes. Keynote Presentation, Unilever Research Workshop on Consumer Psychology, Thornton Hough, November, 1991.

Ellis, N. C. Longitudinal studies of reading and spelling development. Invited paper presented to the International Conference on Longitudinal Studies of Reading, University of Bielfeld, Germany, October, 1991.

Ellis, N. C. Explicit and implicit memory in foreign language learning. Paper presented to the International Conference on Memory and Memorization in Acquiring and Learning Language, Brussels, November, 1991.

Ellis, N. C., O’Dochartaigh, C., & Rea, E. CySill – A project to develop a Welsh language computer spelling checker. Paper presented to the Lesser Used Languages Conference. Trinity College, Carmarthen, September, 1991.

Ellis, N. C., & Beaton, A. Factors affecting the learning of foreign language vocabulary. Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Section of the British Psychology Society, Oxford, September, 1991.

Sinclair, S., & Ellis, N. C. The silent period and explicit/implicit instruction of foreign languages. Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Section of the British Psychology Society, Oxford, September, 1991.

Ellis, N. C. In verbal memory the eyes see vividly, but ears only faintly hear, fingers barely feel and the nose doesn’t know: Meaning and the links between the verbal system and modalities of perception and imagery. Paper presented to the International Conference on Memory, University of Lancaster, July, 1991.

Ellis, N. C. Rules and instances in foreign language learning: interactions of explicit and implicit knowledge. Paper presented to the International Conference on Memory, University of Lancaster, July, 1991.

Ellis, N. C. Learning to spell, learning to read. Paper presented to The British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Bournemouth, April, 1991.

Ellis, N. C. Spelling and sound in learning to read. Paper presented to the Second International Conference of the British Dyslexia Association, Oxford, April, 1991.

Ellis, N. C. Imagery, meaning and memory. Invited Psychology Department Seminar, Turing Room, University of Manchester, October, 1991.

Ellis, N. C. Imagery, memory & meaning. Paper presented to the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, May, 1991.


Ellis, N. C. Rules and instances in foreign language learning: interactions of explicit and implicit knowledge. Paper presented to the Seventh Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society Cognitive Psychology Section, University of Leicester, September, 1990.

Ellis, N. C. In verbal memory the eyes see vividly, but ears only faintly hear, fingers barely feel and the nose doesn’t know: Meaning and the links between the verbal system and modalities of perception and imagery. Paper presented to the Third European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition, University of Aberdeen, August, 1990.

Ellis, N. C. Learning to spell, learning to read. Paper presented to the Conference on Psychology, Spelling and Education, Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic, July, 1990.

Way Back Then

Ellis, N. C. Meaning and the links between the verbal system and modalities of perception and imagery. Paper presented to the Department of Psychology, University of Lancaster, 4th December, 1990.

Ellis, N. C. Learning to spell, learning to read. Paper presented to the Conference of the Rodin Remediation Academy, U.C.N.W. Bangor, September, 1989.

Ellis, N. C. Early interactions in the development of reading, spelling and phonological skills. Invited presentation to the London Dyslexia Association conference, Institute of Neurology, November, 1989.

Cataldo, S., & Ellis, N. C. Spelling, phonological skills and reading: Interactions in development. Invited paper presented to Manchester University Centre for In-service Education of Teachers Evening Courses: “Primary School Pupils’ Reading and Spelling Difficulties: Current Research and Practice”. University of Manchester, February, 1989.

Eayrs, C., & Ellis, N. C. Charity advertising for people with a mental handicap: A double-edged sword? Paper presented to the British Psychological Society London Conference, December 1988, City University.

Ellis, N. C. Reading, phonological skills and short-term memory: Interactive tributaries of development. Paper presented to the British Psychological Society Annual Conference, April 1988, The University of Leeds.

Ellis, N. C. Longitudinal studies of reading development. Paper presented to the Department of Psychology, University of Nottingham, February 1988.

Ellis, N. C. The development of literacy and short-term memory. Paper presented to the Second International Conference on Practical Aspects of Memory, Cardiff, August, 1987.

Ellis, N. C. A longitudinal study of reading development. Paper presented to the International Reading Conference organised by the Cognitive Section of the British Psychological Society, Leicester, April, 1986.

Ellis, N. C. General and specific intelligence. Paper presented to the Psychology Departments of the Universities of Reading and Manchester, March, 1985.

Ellis, N. C. What doesn’t predict reading ability? Paper presented to the Experimental Psychology Society, April, Bangor, 1984.

Ellis, N. C. Beginning reading skills. Paper presented to the Psychology Department, University of Durham, October, 1982.

Ellis, N. C. Teaching undergraduates using the Apple II. Paper presented to the University of Wales Colloquium on Computers in Psychology, July, 1981.

Ellis, N. C. An information processing view of developmental dyslexia. Paper presented to the British Psychological Society International Memory Conference, Exeter, September, 1980.

Ellis, N. C. An Apple-based undergraduate teaching laboratory. Paper presented to the British Psychological Society London Conference, December, 1980.

Ellis, N. C. A model for the reading ability/short-term memory span correlation. Paper presented to the British Psychological Society Cognitive Models Conference, London, December, 1979.