OCTOBER 13 – DECEMBER 30, 2017
An exhibition curated by Kerstin Barndt in collaboration with Richard Barnes and Amanda Krugliak
With originally commissioned artworks by Richard Barnes
Web Design and Production: Carolyn Gennari
Exhibition Design: Kerstin Barndt, Richard Barnes, Olivia Howard, Amanda Krugliak
Exhibition Production: Kerstin Barndt, Richard Barnes, Lucy Cahill, Carolyn Gennari, Olivia Howard, Carlos Jackson, Amanda Krugliak, Laura Magnusson
Exhibition Architecture: Olivia Howard, Benjamin Westbrook
Inventory: Calder Fong, Carolyn Gennari
Research for the exhibition is based on the book Object Lessons and the Formation of Knowledge, edited by Kerstin Barndt and Carla Sinopoli, University of Michigan Press 2017.
Object Lessons. Recollecting Museum Histories at Michigan has been made possible by the University of Michigan Bicentennial Committee, the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, the U-M Office of Research, MCubed, the Museum of Natural History, the Institute for the Humanities, and the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures.
We are grateful to the museums and libraries that have granted loans to Object Lessons, among them (but not limited to) all those museums that have made their home in the Ruthven Museums Building over its 89-year history.
Bentley Historical Library, Museum of Natural History, University of Michigan Herbarium, Museum of Zoology (Divisions of Birds, Reptiles and Amphibians, Mammals, Insects, Mollusks, Fishes), Museum of Paleontology (Divisions of Vertebrate and Invertebrate Paleontology), Museum of Anthropological Archeology, University of Michigan Library (Museums Library, Special Collections Library, Stephen S. Clark Library), Stearns Collection of Musical Instruments, and the A. E. Seaman Mineral Museum, Michigan Technological University.
Within these museums, libraries, and home departments, we thank collection managers and directors, archivists, administrators, and colleagues who generously supported our project and who shared their knowledge and expertise.
Pablo Alvarez, Diana Bachmann, Brittany Burgess, Mackenzie Caple, Anne Curzan, Christopher Dick, Tim Donahue, Lauren Fuka, Michael Galaty, Amy Harris, Janet Hinshaw, John Klausmeyer, Taehwan Lee, Ted Lotman, Dan Miller, Malgosia Myc, Douglas Nelson, Mark O’Brien, Robert Ramsburgh, Anton Reznicek, Adam Rountrey, Greg Schneider, Carla Sinopoli, Sidonie Smith, Christopher Stefano, Sheri Sytsema-Geiger, Charlene Stachnick, Cody Thompson, Priscilla Tucker, Timothy Utter, Johannes von Moltke, Helmut Puff, Melissa Westlake, Karen Wight, Brian Williams, Ben Winger, Henry Wright, Shannon Zachary.