SCIPP Lab Represents at MGU

Earth Scientists of UM gathered today for the annual Michigan Geophysical Union (MGU) Research Symposium. There were over 70 posters presented in two sessions, with 50 from the Earth department. Out of these, 5 posters were from our group – 10% of all Earth department posters! (and an even higher % of the undergraduate poster presenters – wow!).

Jade, Serena, Jon, Becca, and Tianna all did a great job presenting. Our very own Serena won the Best Undergraduate Poster award! Congratulations Serena!

Matt and Sierra contributed too by judging student posters and giving feedback.

Sierra wins the Crosby Award!!

We are excited to announce that Sierra was selected as a recipient of the UM Crosby Research Award this year! The money from this award will go towards supporting planned field work in Bermuda in April/May, where Sierra and Jade (with collaborator Ian Winkelstern) will be collecting fossil shells from previous interglacial intervals.

Here at UM, we are lucky to be at an institution with a commitment to supporting their female and junior faculty, and the Crosby Award is a perfect example of the type of program that makes life just a little bit easier for a young female PI. Thank you ADVANCE program for this award!

7th International Clumped Isotope Workshop: We’re on a boat!

The curving hallways running the length of the ship. Disorienting!

Jade and Sierra attended the 7th International Clumped Isotope Workshop in Long Beach, California this past weekend. All attendees stayed aboard the historic Queen Mary (a Titanic-era cruise liner that has been permanently parked and turned into a hotel). We heard lots of great talks/posters and caught up with colleagues (including lab visitors Ryan Venturelli and Robin Dawson who visited us in the fall). Sierra gave a talk on the community-wide project to update published clumped isotope calibration data to the new “Brand parameters” (paper in revision) and a poster on calibrating the clumped isotope paleothermometer in modern gastropods (with Becca and Serena as coauthors!). A real group effort! Jade particularly enjoyed the poster session and meeting graduate students from other groups. A very invigorating meeting!

Welcome to Jade!

We are very excited to welcome our newest group member, Jade Zhang (incoming PhD student) to Ann Arbor, finally. In addition to being accepted into our program, Jade was also awarded the Rackham Merit Fellowship. Way to go, Jade! We can’t wait to see you take off here.