EarthChem Database for Clumped Isotopes

I (and others) have been working with the EarthChem archive to create a long-term database/data archive for clumped isotope data. We envision a future where, in addition to publishing data in the supplement of your papers, you also upload raw or near-raw data to this archive to facilitate future reprocessing and compilation efforts. We have seen acid fractionation factors, temperature calibration equations, and 17O correction parameters change over time and probably not for the last time. In order to make our data as long-lived as possible across these and future changes, it is vital that we have the raw data easily available and parse-able for future researchers to revisit.

We are planning to have our own sub-database on THIS PAGE, similar to the ‘traceDs’ sub-database. Here is an example of a “landing page” for a dataset.


As part of our Petersen et al. (2019, G-cubed) calibration reprocessing study, we have created a clumped isotope-specific template for the EarthChem database [link below]. This includes tabs for replicate-level raw data (d45-d49, working gas composition, etc.), sample mean data (D47raw, D47final, etc.), and lots of metadata about sample preparation and analysis (ARF construction, acid temp, PPQ vs. GC?, etc.). Our goal is that from what is included here, future workers will have all the information needed to reproduce all correction steps and translate your raw replicate D47 to final sample mean D47. This requires a lot more information than most people normally include in the supplementary material of a paper, until recently. This template is also meant to be flexible, with some required information in green, and lots of optional columns, and the ability to add more study-specific columns. Please send me any comments you have on format, more things to include, things to remove, additional instructions needed, etc. by JUNE 30th if possible.




Benefits of the EarthChem database/archive:
1. All datasets get their own doi #s – easy to cite, easy to find.
2. Long-term funded, permanent storage solution – can’t trust longevity of journal supplementary material, which is not backed up in the same way as the main paper itself.
3. All in one place – way better than having to track down and download data from many different journal websites and data repositories
4. Recommended template format (but not required) – helpful to have a recommended structure of what data and metadata to include, but low bar for submission since all formats are accepted. You can upload your Easotope database if you want, convert it to follow the template, or do your own thing.
5. Funding agencies like it – can easily point to this archive/template in data management plans or similar for funding agencies that want to see data transparency and accessibility that is not behind a paywall.