Welcome to Project Outreach!

Project Outreach has offered thousands of Michigan students the opportunity to learn about psychology in action, to explore themselves and their interests, and to provide meaningful service to people in the community. Outreach offers experiences that can make significant differences in the lives of its participants.

We are excited about the wide range of placements available for next semester. Review the many descriptions on these web pages, and join us in the Outreach adventure.

Included below is a heart-warming letter from Todd, a man who participated in Project Outreach 30 years ago, about how Project Outreach has impacted his life:

“I am writing to tell you about the impact Project Outreach program had on my life, as well as the life of my Ann Arbor “little brother”, Michael.  When I first met Michael, he was a 9-year old characterized as “at risk”.  I was paired with Michael as his “big brother” through my U of M Project Outreach class.

I saw Michael each week for the next year, and we enjoyed various simple but fun activities together such as video games, shopping at the mall, and eating meals out.  We developed a great relationship that culminated with Michael and his mom being the only non-family members of mine who attended my BBA graduation at Crisler Arena in April 1995.

Todd's PO Story

When I moved back to Chicago for law school and my subsequent career as a lawyer, I kept in touch with Michael.  First with postcards every few months and then with e-mail once that became popular.  I come to visit him in Michigan every Christmas, and we enjoy the some of the same activities we did 20 plus years ago and frequently reminisce about old times.  In short, Michael has become one of my oldest friends.  I have seen him marry, have 3 beautiful children, find stable employment as a manager at Home Depot, and advocate for himself to get a beautiful Habitat for Humanity home for his family.  Our families enjoy spending time together, and I admire him as a model for a hard-working family man…. A picture of us from this week’s visit is attached (Michael is the big one now).

I wanted to share this story with you to let you know what Project Outreach meant in our lives.  Project Outreach at U of M was my first real volunteer service project, and it launched me into an adult life of service.  I volunteered tutoring underprivileged children during law school in Chicago, and I have spent hundreds of hours performing legal services for the underserved at my law firm…Project Outreach put me on this path.


BBA 1995

*The name of Todd’s little brother has been changed for privacy reasons.