Elizabeth Berg

August 6, 2019 @ 2:45 pm – 4:15 pm
Tecumseh District Library
215 W Ottawa St
Tecumseh MI 49286

From her website:

“Before I became a writer, I was a registered nurse for ten years, and that was my “school” for writing—taking care of patients taught me a lot about human nature, about hope and fear and love and loss and regret and triumph and especially about relationships–all things that I tend to focus on in my work. I worked as a waitress, which is also good training for a writer, and I sang in a rock band which was not good for anything except the money I made. I was a dramatic and dreamy child, given to living more inside my head than outside, something that persists up to today and makes me a terrible dining partner. I have two daughters and four grandchildren. I live with my partner Bill Young, and our excellent dogs, Gabigail Starletta Buttons, and Austin Ima Riot, and our cat, Gracie Louise Pawplay, near Chicago, even though what I really want to do is live on a hobby farm with lots of animals, including a chicken, I’m dying for a chicken.  . The animals would like you to know they did not get to vote on their names. Or on the food they eat.”

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