The Science and Technology Studies (STS) Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop brings together graduate students, staff, and faculty members interested in science and technology studies from across departments and schools. We seek to make STS as accessible and comprehensible as possible, and encourage attendance and participation from all members of the U-M community.
- workshop papers, dissertation chapters, conference presentations, and job talks.
- read key texts in the field and host discussions between graduate students and faculty participants.
- participate in mini-seminars and lunch conversations with scholars from various disciplines and institutions who make important contributions to STS.
Our reading group meetings allow the opportunity to delve more deeply into some of the core topics in contemporary STS — such as expertise and classification — and to explore additional topics such as risk, environmentalism, development, and globalization. Our workshops expose the individual development of ideas to constructive critique and discussion. And our mini-seminars and lunch conversations give graduate students a chance to interact with STS scholars from around the world, extending their networks.
For a summary of the Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop Initiative, please visit their website.