First lab paper in print!

Way to go Sean Anderson!

Rewards interact with explicit knowledge to enhanced skilled motor performance.  Now out in J Neurophys!

New lab preprint! Rewards interact with explicit knowledge to enhance skilled motor performance

Rewards interact with explicit knowledge to enhance skilled motor performance
Excited to share the lab’s 2nd official preprint and our 1st with a pre-registered experiment! Props to 1st author (and CoCoA lab RA) Sean Anderson! There is a lot of evidence that rewards causes people to ‘do better’. Rewards increase vigor (force/speed) of simple movements.
We were curious if the reward-based improvements seen in more complex motor skills were all just due to this increase in motivational vigor, or if other processes in the hierarchy of action (planning and/or action selection) were similarly improved.
Participants trained on motor sequencing skills, some with color cues to promote explicit knowledge and allow for movement pre-planning. Although rewards improved performance on all skills, those that could be pre-planned showed a much larger boost in performance. 
The size of this boost was related to the amount of explicit knowledge gained, but only if pre-planning was possible. It seems that movement pre-planning is enhanced by reward and that explicit skill knowledge benefits are due to planning despite what is sometimes claimed.