Join the Lab

We are always looking for Ph.D. students, post-docs, and/or undergraduate Research Assistants to join us!  We use a variety of methods including fMRI, TMS, behavioral studies, and computational modeling.

Prospective Ph.D. Students:

Prospective Ph.D. students should apply to the University of Michigan Psychology PhD program (Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience Area). Additional information including application instructions is available here:

For graduate students, Professor Lee is usually looking for applicants with at least 2 years of research experience in cognitive psychology or cognitive neuroscience, some exposure to statistics and/or computer programming, and a strong fit with the lab’s current research interests.  If this seems like you, we would highly encourage you to apply!

Professor Lee has a policy of refraining from talking on the phone or through Zoom with applicants until all the applications are in.  This is in an effort to be equitable to students who don’t know to or can’t contact faculty members in advance.  However, if you have any specific questions that would help you make the decision about whether or not to apply contact Professor Lee via email.

Note that you can apply for an application fee waiver if the cost of applying is a concern:

Prospective Post-doctoral Fellows: 

We currently do not have any funded openings for a new post-doctoral fellow.  However, there are several lines of funding that are currently under review by granting agencies that may be available soon.

E-mail Professor Lee directly at with your CV and a cover letter.

Prospective undergraduate Research Assistants

Just fill out the google form here:

We check the submissions periodically and are usually heavily recruiting at the beginning and end of every semester.