2015 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the nation’s first teach-in on the war in Vietnam, held at the University of Michigan on March 24-25, 1965. The original teach-in, which was organized and led by faculty on the Ann Arbor campus, addressed one of the most pressing public issues of the day: our nation’s rapidly escalating war in Vietnam. Drawing more than 3,000 students, faculty, and other participants, the event proved highly successful, and the teach-in format that was pioneered at U-M was replicated at countless colleges and universities across the country over the next several months and years.
Historic documents and video related to the first teach-in in 1965:
- Flyer, Viet-Nam and U.S. Policy
- Schedule for conference events for March 24-25, 1965
- March 25, 1965 Michigan Daily article “Threats Disrupt Teach-in”
- Video from the first teach-in at the University of Michigan, March 24-25, 1965
- Video from the second teach-in at the University of Michigan, regarding environmental issues, March 1970
From the Bentley Historical Library