Students wishing to pursue an academic minor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences must develop a specific plan for its completion in consultation with the department’s designated advisor. Appointments are scheduled online
Effective Fall 2013
A minor in Oceanography is not open to students with any other minor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Sea turtles or marine turtles are turtles that inhabit all of the world’s oceans except the Arctic. Most species of sea turtle are endangered.
The minor in Oceanography is designed to provide students with broad introductions to oceanography, to the geological processes active on the seafloor and the seashore, and to the geological evolution of the ocean basins and their sediment records of past climates. Note that by LSA rules, only one course may be elected in common to a minor and a major.
Prerequisites to the Minor
Academic Minor Program
At least 15 credits of courses, to be chosen from the following three categories as stated:
- One introductory geoscience course must be taken from one of the following two groups:
- Group 1. Courses with laboratory: EARTH 116, 118&119, 120, 201.
- Group 2. Courses without laboratory (EARTH 119, 205&206, 284).
- Core courses: EARTH 222, 223.
- Elective courses (5-7 credits) to be elected from the following:
- CHEM 467
- EARTH 305, 320, 321, 409, 420, 421, 422, 446, 449, 452, 465, 467, 478, 479;
- AOSS 320, 321, 410, 420, 467
- ENSCEN 420, 455, 467
- NAVARCH 420, 455
- or permission of advisor
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