This blog is a view into the world of graduate students in the University of Michigan PhD program. They have valuable experiences that they are able to share to help both the incoming PhD students as well as those interested in the program.
- Balance, or Not to BalanceDaniel Porter, 2011, Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience Transitioning into grad school can be pretty rough. You’re juggling your classes, starting your research, but at the same time… Read more: Balance, or Not to Balance
- Here’s what to know:Daniel Castro, Cohort 2011, Biopsychology. Since moving to Ann Arbor, I learned a number of important lessons and factoids that I believe may be of use to… Read more: Here’s what to know:
- First Term Small LessonsJaime Munoz-Velazquez, Cohort 2014, Developmental Area. The first term was full of small lessons I would like to share with others. My transition to Ann Arbor from the… Read more: First Term Small Lessons
- Dear First Year Tiffany:Tiffany Jantz, 3rd Year, CCN Area In a letter to herself: Dear First-Year Tiffany, This is third-year you writing to say congratulations. You did it! Despite what… Read more: Dear First Year Tiffany:
- Make Time to…Last one Veronica Rabelo: Get a hobby. You’ve probably already heard that work/life balance can be difficult or elusive in academia – but it’s crucial that you develop… Read more: Make Time to…