Independent Study

Do you have a talent, skill, or interest that you’d like to share with others? Are you interested in community research or program development?

Independent Study courses are a great way to stay involved in the Detroit Initiative, while developing your skills and sharing these skills or interests with community organizations. Students may design their independent study according to their interests, or work with one of our Community Partners to design an independent study that benefits an individual community organization.  Independent Study courses also provide opportunities for students to develop and apply their research skills. Students may work with UM-DI faculty or staff, or a community partner, to develop a research project that is both interesting and benefits the community.

Psychology 404 and 405/American Culture 388: Field Practice: Credit/No Credit

American Culture 389: Reading Course in American Culture

Psychology 323: Field Practicum in Research Techniques: Credit/No Credit

Psychology 200: Independent Study in Psychological Issues (1-4 credits).  Graded

Psychology 327: Faculty Directed Early Research for Psychology as a Social Science (1-4 credits). Graded

Psychology 423: Faculty Directed Advanced Research for Psychology as a Social Science (1-6 credits) Graded

More info on enrolling in these courses can be found  at the Psych Independent Study site.