Meghan Clark and Hannah Thoms, two members of the undergraduate student team that created the “Give Earth a Chance: Environmental Activism in Michigan” exhibit, have published a chapter about their experiences in Teaching Undergraduates with Archives (Michigan Publishing, 2019). The chapter, “Give Earth a Chance: History Undergraduates and Environmental Activism in the Archives,” is coauthored with Professor Matt Lassiter, the project director. The chapter is an expanded version of a panel presentation by the three coauthors at the “Teaching Undergraduates with Archives” symposium held at the Bentley Historical Library in November 2018, where Clark and Thoms were the only undergraduates on the conference program.
Read the “Give Earth a Chance: History Undergraduates and Environmental Activism in the Archives” chapter here.
Read all of Teaching Undergraduates with Archives, coedited by Nancy Bartlett, Elizabeth Gadelha, and Cinda Nofziger, at this link. The anthology is open-source with free digital downloads.
From the Bentley Historical Library: “This work reflects a shift at the Bentley and beyond to develop new approaches to engaging undergraduates in research with primary sources,” says Bentley Associate Director Nancy Bartlett, who edited the book along with Bentley archivists Liz Gadelha and Cinda Nofziger. “Teaching students how to analyze and understand primary sources is how you can teach students to analyze and understand anything.”