Getting Ready for MagAO Observing

In a week our group will conduct its first MagAO observations. A great resource we have at University of Michigan is access to the Magellan Telescopes, which have various high-tech instruments available for observations. We’ll be using an adaptive optics instrument on the 6.5m Clay telescope, which uses an deformable secondary mirror. Felicity B. Hills and Alexandra Greenbaum will be attending this observing run to take advantage of its infrared (3-5 micron) imager. While they have both observed before, it will be their first trip to Las Campanas Observatory.

Credit: Las Campanas Observatory

Felicity has experience at longer wavelengths using the Atacama Cosmology Telescope for remote observations. Alexandra has observed at Cerro Pachon where the Gemini Planet Imager sits behind Gemini South’s 8m telescope. Our group is excited about using MagAO for the first time. We’ll be taking advantage of its infrared capabilities. Right now we are hoping for good weather and are excited to meet some of the MagAO team. We also look forward to writing many more proposals!