Stephen E. Strom presents “A Fusion of Art and Astronomy”

Photographer and astronomer, Stephen Strom, looks at our planet with a unique vision. New York born, Stephen received his Masters and Ph.D. in Astronomy from Harvard University, and had an long and prestigious career beginning as Lecturer in Astronomy at Harvard and Astrophysicist at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and continuing on as Chairman of the Five College Astronomy Department at University of Massachusetts in Amherst, MA. In 1998 Stephen moved to Tucson as a member of the scientific staff at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory where he carried out research directed at understanding the formation of stars and planetary systems.  He presented a lecture entitled “A Fusion of Art and Astronomy” in Angel Hall on the central campus of the University of Michigan Friday, 7 April.  This event was part of Statewide Astronomy Night, in conjunction with the Michigan State University Science Festival.  Steve was a guest of our group, and in residence in the Department of Astronomy the entire week.  We look forward to his next visit.