
Books (Edited)

Jina Kim, Joshua Kupetz, Crystal Lie, and Cynthia Wu, eds. Art/Sex/Identity: The Work of Tobin Siebers and Disability Studies. U of Michigan P (Forthcoming 2021).

Peer-Reviewed Articles

“‘Spastic Saints’: Jack Kerouac, Non-conformity, and Disability Representation.” Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies. 9.2 (2015): 135-152. Print.

Book Chapters

“Disability Ecology and the Limits of Representation.” The Matter of Disability: Biopolitics, Materiality, Crip Affect. Eds. Susan Antebi, David T. Mitchell & Sharon Snyder. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2017.

“Jack Kerouac.” The Cambridge Companion to American Novelists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. 219-229. Print.

Introduction. “‘The Straight Line Will Lead You Only to Death’: The Scroll Manuscript and Contemporary Literary Theory.” On the Road: The Original Scroll. By Jack Kerouac. Ed. Howard Cunnell. New York: Viking, 2007. 83–96. Print.


The Red Wheelchair, Dec. 2009. Web.

“Sing for Us, Gone Orpheus,” Order & Decorum, Dec. 30, 2005. Web.

“At the Whole-Foods Store,” “Monuments,” Kaleidoscope, 2005. Print.

“A Photo of AJ, Three Days Old,” newLeaf, 19 (2005). Print.

“Vessels, Firing,” “Spring Comes to Scotch Valley Country Club,” “Low-Budget Feature.” The Dickinson Review (2002). Print.

“An Elegy for Cedar Willy,” “Listen,” “Wish, Wish Dangerous.” The Dickinson Review (1998). Print.

“A Letter to the Lizard King,” Beat Sheet, The Alpha Beat Press, 1995. Print.


“RSD Diagnosis and Amputation Leads Eric Westover to Create Amputee Organization,” Disaboom. July 2008. Web.

“Catching Up With Aron Ralston,” Disaboom, June 2008. Web.

“Wheelchair Rugby Smashes Stereotypes, One Scrum at a Time.” Disaboom. April 2008. Web.