Latest article out – “The Many Colors of Love”

I am pleased to announce my latest article has been published by Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures, in a special issue dedicated to love. My contribution is entitled “The Many Colors of Love in Niẓāmī’s Haft Paykar: Beyond the Spectrum”, and it deals with Islamicate love-theory and its application in the stories of the Black and White Domes in the Haft Paykar. Read it here.

PDF management using Zotero

This is a post on using Zotero as a PDF management system that I wrote up for our startup project Islamicate Digital Humanities; I figure I might as well include it here.

Zotero is one of the most robust citation management systems out there—open source, free, and great at grabbing metadata and files straight from the web—and with a little tweaking, it can become a great way to organize and maintain a large library of PDFs. For many users, the default settings are perfectly fine, but there are some potential drawbacks that some (such as myself) may wish to address:

  • Sharing PDFs between your computers may become dicey if your library becomes too big. One option is to simply pay $20/year to get 2GB of storage space on Zotero, or you can pair it up with a service like Box or Google Drive through the WebDAV protocol (see Zotero’s sync documentation; more links at the bottom of this page). However, if you opt for one of these solutions, you may be turned off by another issue:
  • By default, Zotero puts each attachment in a separate folder, buried deep within its directory system and assigned a random number. This is intentional; to protect your data, you’re not supposed to be able to easily find and manipulate your files directly. However, if you like to access your files easily through the Finder, this can be annoying.

There is one very easy way you can move your Zotero attachments to another folder where they are visible to the naked eye, so to speak, and that is the ZotFile plugin, but ZotFile, rather unavoidably, does not play well with the WebDAV solution mentioned above. It is possible, however, to set up your Zotero database using ZotFile to link all your attachments to a shared folder such as DropBox or Box. This is the route I opted for, and with a little trial and error, I found a system that is working very well for me (almost perfect, but not quite, to quote Shel Silverstein). In the following post, I will walk you through the steps I did to configure Zotero on multiple machines sharing a single library; I cannot guarantee this will work on every computer, but if your setup exactly matches what I describe below, it should work.


Before diving in and making a mess of things, first check to make sure you meet the following conditions, or at least are aware of what issues you might have to address if you do not:

  1. I am using two Macs—a desktop and a laptop—and I am using the same username for both machines. This is important because it means that my directory path for attachment storage will be identical on both computers; i.e. they will both say /Users/thisismyusername/DropBox/Zotero. If your username varies from computer to computer, your path will not be the same, and this may make the following tutorial unusable for you; or at least you will have to do some additional steps to make sure your attachments are pointed towards exactly the same location.
  2. Going back to that first point, this was done and tested on Mac OS X. I am sure it will work the same for Ubuntu or other Unix-based systems, but I am not familiar enough with Windows to vouch for it. If you use Windows, make a backup (which you should do anyway) and proceed at your own risk. (There is a link at the bottom of this page that may be more helpful for you.)
  3. Set up a user account with, if you don’t have one yet.
  4. Finally, set up an account with a service that syncs a folder with online storage: this could be DropBox, Box, or Google Drive, to name three of the most well-known options. Pick your favorite, navigate to that directory, and create a folder to store your files. (I’m calling it “Zotero” for the sake of this tutorial, but of course you can call it whatever you want.)

Step 1: Set Up Your Library

If you already have a working Zotero library, start by backing it up (if you don’t know how to do that, go to Zotero’s guide to backing up and follow the instructions). If not, just open up vanilla Zotero, hop onto J-Stor, and download a couple articles to have a working sample to try out.

Once you have your library set up and backed up, you’ll want to download the ZotFile plugin. Go to and follow the instructions for installation (these will vary depending on whether you prefer using Zotero Stand-Alone or the Zotero plug-in with Firefox).

Now that ZotFile is installed, time to set up your preferences! There are two sections where we will be adjusting our preferences, so make sure to hit them both. Let’s start with ZotFile: click on the settings button in Zotero, select “ZotFile preferences,” and follow the steps below:

  1. In General Settings, you want to set a Custom Location for the location of your files. I’m using Box, so I get /Users/myusername/Box Sync/Zotero. I also tick the “Use subfolder” option and fill the box with /%A/; this will sort all my files into subdirectories arranged alphabetically by last name, making it very easy for me to navigate to the ‘S’ folder to look up ‘Smith’. (Again, you can set up your subfolder schema—if you want one at all—however you like; this is just what I did.)
  2. In Tablet Settings, I did not change a thing. I’m not dealing with tablets. (But if you are, investigate this further, it’s a great feature.)
  3. In Renaming Rules, I tweaked the format to read { %a } { %y } - { %t }, and I also unchecked the “Truncate title” option. These are cosmetic; you can choose whatever naming system you like (see the ZotFile renaming rules) or stick with the defaults, which are very good.
  4. In Advanced Settings, tell Zotfile to always automatically rename new attachments (this simplifies your life). You shouldn’t have to change anything else, but I did ask ZotFile to “Remove diacritics from filename” to make searching easier, and I added the djvu suffix to the list of filetypes it will work with, since I do like the .djvu format. These changes, too, are of secondary importance.

To review, the only really important thing we have done so far is set the Custom Location for our files in a directory that syncs to the cloud, so that we can access them from other computers when the time comes. Now, on to the Regular Zotero preferences (click on the settings button and select ‘Preferences’).

  1. In General, you don’t need to change anything (but I like to uncheck automatic snapshots and tags).
  2. In Sync, enter the Username and Password for your Zotero account, and make sure “Sync automatically” and “Sync full-text” is checked. Uncheck the two options under “File Syncing” (‘Sync attachment files in My Library’ and ‘Sync attachment files in group libraries’); ZotFile is taking care of this part.
  3. The Search, Export, and Cite menus you can leave alone.
  4. In Advanced, click on the sub-category of “Files and Folders” and set your Base directory to be the same as what you set in ZotFile—in our example, it will be /Users/myusername/Box Sync/Zotero. Under “Data Directory Location”, leave it set as your profile directory. The profile directory does not contain any files you need to mess with, and can remain hidden. The one thing you must never do is put this directory in a DropBox (etc.) folder; that will corrupt your database over time. Just leave it happy where it is.

Hit OK. We have set our preferences and done most of the work. Now it’s time to test out ZotFile. Select all of the files in your library (it matters not whether it’s 10 or 1000), right-click, and select Manage Attachments --> Rename Attachments. ZotFile will do its magic and rename and relocate your entire library to the directory you have designated using the system you specified—and it can do a huge library in just a minute or two. Go to your Zotero directory just to make sure the files are there, and they should start automatically uploading into the cloud. If everything looks good, go back to the main Zotero window and hit the green sync button (in the upper right corner of the window, it looks like an arrow turning clockwise); this will upload your database (sans files) to your online account. If you want to make sure it’s there, you can hop back onto, and you should see your database under ‘My Library’.

To recap, here’s what you’ve done so far: you’re using Zotero’s sync capability to maintain an online database of all your references and files, and meanwhile ZotFile has taken over the work of managing where those files get stored. A simple division of labor.

If everything looks good, you’re basically done: syncing new computers to this library can be done relatively quickly and easily. if you have a large library you want to make sure doesn’t get screwed up, make a copy of your profile directory and keep it somewhere as a backup. Now, open up a clean install of Zotero on your second machine, install ZotFile, and set up the Zotero and ZotFile preferences EXACTLY as they are on your primary machine. Once the preferences are set up and match perfectly (can I stress this enough?) hit the green sync button on the new install of Zotero, and a great thing will happen:

  • Zotero will grab all your database info and metadata from its server, duplicating your library into your second computer;
  • ZotFile will tell it to look for the linked files in the Dropbox/GoogleDrive/Box folder you specified.

What’s great about this system is that you can now effectively use Zotero from either machine. If you add a new article while on the road, ZotFile will move it to DropBox (etc.) to be shared with your main computer, and Zotero will update its servers; so that when you get back home and open Zotero, the PDF will be waiting for you in your DropBox and your Zotero library will have synced up to the most recent version. Even your annotations will be shared across machines, and if you want to share a file with a friend, DropBox or Box or Drive makes it easy. I’m very happy with this setup. There is only one issue you should know about that I am not sure how to address: if you delete a file in Zotero, ZotFile will not delete it from your hard drive. In other words, because of our division of labor, you have to delete the file twice, so to speak: first you delete the entry from Zotero to remove it from the database, then you have to go to your DropBox folder and delete the actual PDF (fortunately, there is no harm if you just leave it, but it clutters things up).

I hope this is helpful! Let me know if you see any potential problems or have any suggestions as to how I can improve it.


Here are the major links I mention in this post, in addition to a number of tutorials that helped me out quite a lot to figure this out.

Reading the Ruins

Whew, it’s been a while since I’ve posted! It’s been a busy year. Anyways, I’m giving a talk with my colleague Samer Ali on two poems written on the arch of Ctesiphon; see the announcement below.

Reading the Ruins: Two Poems on the Arch of Ctesiphon

Samer Ali, associate professor of Arabic language and literature, U-M; Cameron Cross, assistant professor of Iranian studies, U-M

Tuesday, February 7, 2017
4:00-5:30 PM
1644 School of Social Work Building

On the banks of the Tigris river, the Sasanian Empire left an iconic monument called the Arch of Khosrow (Taq-i-Kasra or Iwan Kisra), whose vault towered like the heavens at 121 feet. Two poets, al-Buhturi (d. 897) and Khaqani (d. 1190), gravitated toward this site and composed two timeless odes, one in Arabic and the other in Persian, on the Arch as a memorial to a bygone civilization — or the very idea of civilization itself. In these poems, we find that Time (and Fate) play an ominous role, crushing the genius and labor of human beings on both an individual and collective scale. How, then, do the two poets respond to this? How do the ravages of Time generate new ethical and political imperatives for humanity? In this workshop, we place the poems in conversation with each other in order to address these and other questions of art, life, and meaning.

Professors Samer Ali and Cameron Cross will present and discuss their own translations of these poems.

Ayyuqi – The Death of Golshah

Here’s another poem I’ve been working on, the Varqa & Golshah, written by ʿAyyuqi in probably the 1030s. I don’t really have the chops to try anything fancy—no time for rhyme—so the only requirement I set myself is to keep within some kind of iambic beat; iambs are one of the easiest rhythms to work with in English, so I felt that it was something I could attempt. Here is the [spoiler alert!] death scene of Golshah. If you have any comments about how this kind of translation works for you, or suggestions of other approaches I might try, leave a comment or send me an email!

  1. The King of Syria Goes With Golshah to the Head of Varqa’s Tomb
  1. He brought the lover beside her lover—two loves united is fine and good—
  2. And all the city turned towards the ardent lover’s grave, the one who searched for love.
  3. Golshah proceeded, mourning, wailing, weeping, ripping her hair,
  4. And when she arrived at Varqa’s grave, a wish to die came over her.
  5. She tore her clothes and beat her hands against her breast; from the tall camel-litter, she fell upon the dust,
  6. She rolled in the dirt like those who’ve lost their wits, or helpless slaves in a tyrannous hand,
  7. That silver cypress broke her ruby belt, lamenting, tore the circlet off her head,
  8. Her burning heart melted Berber rings, her grief sewed shut the eyes of joy;
  9. At times she sprinkled dew upon the tulips with her eyes; at times she spread ambergris on the earth with her locks.
  10. The love-lorn one who only loved was now a howling reed,* a scoured face.
  11. She went and tightly held the grave, placing her tulip cheeks against its side,
  12. And cleansed the dark earth with so many tears, her rosy face turned muddy from the dust and the water.
  13. She said: “O worthy one! What plan is this that you’ve prepared?
  14. What of our pledge with you this way, when you will never be my guest again?
  15. You used to say: ‘When I come back, I will, from time to time, renew my thoughts of you.’
  16. What’s with you now? What made you quit the road halfway and make the dust your new abode?
  17. If fortune’s tied your fortunes up in knots, well, here’s your love—she’s come to see you!”
  18. “My dear beloved; my handsome, faithful lord,” she cried,
  19. “Until I join you in the earth, I will not turn—I will not keep my heartache secret!”
  20. She said these words, and then and there she mingled musk into the withered earth.
  21. She spoke: “How much must I endure of this injustice? When will fate release my heart?
  22. What good is youth to me? Now why should I live?
  23. By what fell omen was I born from my mother, that I should be tormented as long as I live?*
  24. My soul’s been hounded by a bitter fate; not a day passed that it wasn’t bound in heavy fetters.
  25. The artless, faithless heavens stole from me a man who made my love and life forever new.
  26. From birth, the spheres raised us together and joined our hearts in love,
  27. And when we grew attached to each other, and set our hearts on union,
  28. We never saw that mutual joy; the one who holds my heart has gone below the clay.
  29. Without you now, my soul, my dear beloved, the stirring world’s become my prison.
  30. I hope his recompense from God on Judgment Day will be a painful torment for his crime;*
  31. He drove the two of us apart and made our two hearts twist in pain.
  32. Now, striving for your pledge with me, you suddenly gave up your sinless soul and went below the earth.
  33. My loyalty’s no less—I’ll surrender my life and lay my face upon your face.”
  34. And there the kind and rose-faced beauty stayed: screaming, wailing, and lamenting,
  35. Driving the blood out of her heart. The world, the age, mourned over her,
  36. And all who came upon her on the road were transfixed by her sorrow.
  37. They all gathered around her, men and women, young and old,
  38. The Syrian army, the lords of Syria, all wept from grief like weeping clouds,
  39. Their faces streamed with blood to see her sad and painful sobs.
  40. At last, her life was gone, her mind went blank; the lofty cypress branch fell over.
  41. Her breath stilled in her chest; her spirit was completely sundered from her body.
  42. That beauty placed her face upon the soil, saying, “I’ve come for you—are you there, my friend?
  43. I’m without hope; don’t turn away, for I am weary. I’ve brought the pain and love of my heart with me.”
  44. She spoke; the world shattered love. At once, her comely face relaxed,
  45. Her eyes grew dark; the people’s eyes shed blood for her.
  46. She left the world, that idol of Qandahar, in close pursuit of her devoted friend.
  47. Such are the world’s affairs, in all respects, and so they shall remain; that’s the long and short of it.
  48. The two lovers, in their love, left the world in grief and sorrow,
  49. Neither one saw but fastness from the other; they did not tread the path of sin and cruelty.
  50. In striving for each other, they gave up their lives. Such is the way, the root, the essence.

* Could also be رای, “howling mind”
* Safa’s edition reads زاده, but MC suggests زنده which I like more
* Note that she is talking about her father here; there might be a lacuna in the text

۱۷. رفتن شاهِ شام با گلشاه بر سرِ گورِ ورقه

  1. مر آن دوست را برد نزدیکِ دوست * کجا دوست با دوست یکجا نکوست
  2. همه خلق از شهر داذند روی * سوی گورِ آن عاشقِ مهرجوی
  3. همی رفت گلشاه زاری کنان * خروشان و مویان و گیسوکَنان
  4. چو زی گورِ ورقه رسیذش فراز * بجان داذن آمذ مرو را نیاز
  5. بزذ دست بر بر سَلَب کرد چاک * ز بالای عِماری آمذ بخاک
  6. بغلتیذ بر خاک چون بی‌هُشان * چو مظلوم در دستِ مردم‌کُشان
  7. بنوحه ز بیجاذه بگشاذ بند * بکند از سر آن سرو سیمین کمند
  8. ز تَفِّ دلش حلقه بَربَر بسوخت * همی اندُهش چشمِ شاذی بدوخت
  9. گه از دیذه بر لاله بر ژاله راند * گه از زلف بر خاک عنبر فشاند
  10. شذ از اندُهِ مهر آن مهرجوی * خروشنده نای و خراشیذه روی
  11. بُشُذ گور را در بر آورد تنگ * نهاذ از برش عارضِ لاله‌رنگ
  12. ز بس کاشک پالوذ بر تیره خاک * گُلِ روی او گِل شذ از آب (و) خاک
  13. همی گفت ای مایه‌ی راستی * چه تدبیر بوذ آن کی آراستی
  14. چنین با تو کی بوذ پیمانِ من * که نایی دگر باره مهمانِ من
  15. همی گفتی این چون رَسَم باز جای * کنم تازه گه‌گه بروی تو رای
  16. کنونی چه بوذت کی درنیمِ راه * بخاک اندرون ساختی جایگاه
  17. اگرزد گره بخت بر کارِ تو * حبیب اینک آمذ بدیذارِ تو
  18. بگفت ای دلارام و دلبندِ من * وفادار و زیبا خذاوندِ من
  19. همی تا بخاک اندرون با تو جفت * نگردم نخواهم غمِ دل نهفت
  20. بگفت این سخن را و با خاکِ خشک * بیک جایگاه اندر آمیخت مشک
  21. همی گفت جورست ازین جور چند * اجل کی گشایذ دلم را ز بند
  22. چه بر خوردنست از جوانی مرا * چه بایذ کنون زنگانی مرا
  23. بچه فال زاذدم من از ماذرم * که تا زاذه‌ام بعذاب اندرم
  24. روانِ من مُدبِرِ شور بخت * نبوذست یک روز بی بندِ سخت
  25. کسی کِم بذو تازه بُذ عیش و عمر * ربوذش ز من چرخ غَدّارِ غُمر
  26. از اوّل بیک جای ما را سپهر * بپرورد و پیوسته مان کرد مهر
  27. چو پیوسته گشتیم با یک دگر * دلِ خوذ نهاذیم بر وصل بر
  28. ندیذیم از یک دیگر کامِ دل * شذ آن یارِ دل‌دارِ من زیرِ گل
  29. کنون بی تو ای جان و جانانِ من * جِهانِ جَهان گشت زندانِ من
  30. مکافات یابذ ز ربِّ کریم * گُنا را بمحشر عذابِ الیم
  31. کی ما را ز یکدیگران دور کرد * دلِ ما دو بیچاره رنجور کرد
  32. کنون چون تو در عهدِ من جانِ پاک * بداذی شذی ناگهان زیرِ خاک
  33. من اندر وفای تو جان را دهم * بیایم رخم بر رخت بر نهم
  34. بذینسان بتِ گل‌رخِ مهربان * خروشان و مویان و زاری کنان
  35. همی بوذ و می‌راند خون از جگر * زمین و زمان بُذ برو نوحه‌گر
  36. هر آن کس کی اندر رسیذی ز راه * ز زاری شذی بسته آن جایگاه
  37. ز برنا و پیر و ز مرد و ز زن * بگردَش درون ساخته انجمن
  38. همه لشکرِ شام و سالارِ شام *  زغم گشته گریان چو گریان غَمام
  39. ز آن نالهٔ زار وز درد اوی * همی خون چکانیذ هر کس بروی
  40. چو جانش تهی گشت و مغزش تهی * نگوسار شذ شاخِ سروِ سهی
  41. هوا زی دم اندر برش بسته شذ * روان از تنش پاک بگسسته شذ
  42. ناذ از برِ خاک روی آن نگار * بگفت آمذم سوی تو هست بار
  43. نُمیذم مگردان کی آزرده‌ام * غم و مهرِ دل با خوذ آورده‌ام
  44. بگفت این و از دهر بگسست مهر * ز ناگه بر آسوذ آن خوب‌چهر
  45. چو هُش از تنش ناپدیذار گشت * بدو دیذه آن خلق خون‌بار گشت
  46. ز دنیا برفت آن بتِ قندهار * بعقبی بَرِ آن وفادار یار
  47. چنین است کارِ جهان سر بسر * چنین بوذ خواهذ سخن مختصر
  48. دو دلبر بر آن دلبری از جهان * برفتند با حسرت و اندهان
  49. ندیذه ز یک دیگران جز وفا * نرفته براه خطا و جفا
  50. بداذند جان از پیِ یک دیگر * چنین باشذ آیین و اصل و گهر

Rudaki #3

Source: Dīvān-i Rūdakī Samarqandī: bar asās-i nuskhah-i Saʻīd Nafīsī, Y. Brāgīnskī. Tihrān: Nigāh, 1997; p. 109. Not a robāʿi proper, but a remarkable poem in two lines of hazaj: ⏑ – – – | ⏑ – – – | ⏑ – – – | ⏑ – – –

زمانی برق پر خنده زمانی رعد پر ناله
چنان چون مادر از سوکِ عروسِ سیزده‌ساله
و گشته زین پرندِ سبز ساخِ بیدِ بُن‌ساله
چنان چون اشکِ مهجوران نشسته ژاله بر لاله

zamāni barq por khanda zamāni raʿd por nāla
chenān chun mādar az suk-e ʿarus-e sizdah-sāla
vo gashta z-in parand-e sabz shākh-e bid-e bonsāla
chenān chun ashk-e mahjurān neshasta zhāla bar lāla

Now the lightning’s full of smiles
Now the thunder cries and wails
As a mother mourns a girl
A bride of thirteen years
The ancient willow’s tassels
From this are silk and green
Still dew upon the tulips
Like distant lovers’ tears

Rudaki #2

Source: Dīvān-i Rūdakī Samarqandī: bar asās-i nuskhah-i Saʻīd Nafīsī, Y. Brāgīnskī. Tihrān: Nigāh, 1997; p. 117.

با آن که دلم از غمِ هجرت خونست
شادی به غمِ تو ام ز غم افزونست
اندیشه کنم هر شب و گویم یا رب
هجرانش چنینست وصالش چونست

bâ ân ke del-am az ġam-e hejrat xun-ast
šâdi be ġam-e to am ze ġam afzun-ast
andiše konam har šab o guyam yâ rabb
hejrân-š čonin-ast vesâl-aš čun-ast

– – o o – – o o – – oo –
– – o o – o – o – – oo –
– – o o – – o o – – oo –
– – o o – – o o – – oo –


although my heart is blood(y) from the pain of separation
my joy [reading “am” as “ma-ra”] in [my] pain for you exceeds the pain
i worry every night and i say o lord
(if) separation [from him/her] is like this, what is union [with him/her] like?


My heart is bleeding
From a painful separation
At which I feel pleasure
Exceeding my pain

Each night, I brood and wonder
And say to God,
If I’m like this while we’re apart,
What then when we’re together?

Rudaki #1

In an effort to continue to work on my translation skills, I’ve lately begun the habit of translating a short piece of poetry every couple of days. I’ve been posting my drafts on Facebook, but I thought I would share some of my polished versions here. This is the first roba’i in Sa’id Nafisi’s edition of Rudaki’s divan.

در رهگذرِ باد چراغی که تراست
ترسم که بمیرد از فراغی که تراست
بوی جگرِ سوخته‌‌ عالم بگرفت
گر نشنیدی زهی دماغی که تراست

dar rahgozar-e bâd cherâgh-i ke to râ-st
tarsam ke bemirad az ferâgh-i ke to râ-st
bu-ye jegar-e sukhta ‘âlam be-gereft
gar nashenidi zehi damâgh-i ke to râ-st

I fear your fire’s burning out
For in the emptiness you left behind
Only howling wind remains
Can you smell it? The world
Reeks of burnt and blackened hearts
Can you sense anything at all?

New music page

Another fun announcement: I just created a new “Music” page for this site, where you can listen to and download some of the folk / fiddle music I recorded during my college years. I hope to keep adding to it, but for now there’s two albums available.

The Man Inside the Mountain

I’m giving a talk for the Near Eastern Studies Lectures Series tomorrow, in which I’ll be sharing one of my favorite topics from one of my favorite stories, namely the strange and sad case of King Mobad in Vis & Râmin. Looking forward to it!The Man in the Mountain by Cameron Cross 11-2015


House of Flesh (Yousef Idris)

In 2008, I translated the short story House of Flesh by Yousef Idris (Bayt min Laḥm, originally published in 1972) for a class project. To accompany the translation, I wrote a short paper introducing the work and its author. I did not consult the translation by Denys Johnson-Davies (cf. The Essential Yusuf Idris, AUC Press, 2009, pp. 219-225) until after I had completed mine; I found that comparing the two offers a useful illustration of the different approaches and strategies one can bring to a translation.