Model Federal Open Market Committee (MFED) at the University of Michigan is a student organization dedicated to the equal spread of financial literacy to underprivileged groups and competing in the College Fed Challange held by the Federal Reserve. We are made up of student researchers, competitors, and educators, as well as two esteemed faculty members: Dr.Daniil Manaenkov and Dr. Oleg Zamulin.

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Our Philosophy

“MFED is more than just an economy-based organization; we are, at our core, philanthropic. Our mission is to not only invest in our members’ success and financial future, but to invest in the future of our community and fellow students.”

– Charlotte Matik, Founding President

MFED is guided by a set of core values that shape our mission and define our commitment to excellence in both financial education and the College Fed Challange. These values are Service, Integrity, and Excellence.

Service: At MFED, we are dedicated to serving our communities and actively seek opportunities to make positive impacts both on and off campus. We firmly believe that knowledge is the foundation of financial empowerment, and with many communities suffering from a lack of accessible financial education, we strive to provide comprehensive and accessible financial education resources to everyone. Through our Education Outreach Committee we work hands-on in the community, providing workshops, seminars, and curated content all to better empower individuals to build a brighter financial future.

Integrity: Trust, honesty, and transparency are at the core of our operations. We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards, ensuring that our work within and outside of club activities is unbiased, accurate, of the highest quality, and reliable- especially in regards to our work in the community and within our research team. We strive to establish an environment of openness and integrity where members can engage in honest discussions, seek guidance, and create a world where everyone can make informed financial decisions with confidence.

“MFED gives students and communities the opportunity to demystify the process by which the ‘people upstairs’ make monetary policy.”

-Ella McKenzie, Founding Vice President of Internal Relations

Excellence: Pursuing excellence is ingrained in our club’s DNA. We are committed to delivering exceptional programs, workshops, and events. We work year-round through research, presentations, and discussions to bring home University of Michigan’s College Fed Challenge Title. We continuously evaluate and improve our offerings and strive to ensure that we provide the highest quality research, education, and support.

In living these core values, MFED aims to be a driving force in promoting financial literacy education. By combining service, integrity, and excellence, we strive to empower those who are underserved to take control of their financial well-being, make sound financial decisions, and positively impact lives and communities. Together, we can build a generation that is financially empowered, educate for a prosperous future, and work to bring home University of Michigan’s College Fed Challenge Title.

To read more about the Founders who instilled these values, please visit our Founders and History page.