“in defense of piercing my navel” & “conspiracy theory” by Casey Smith

in defense of piercing my navel:
     after Karla Kelsey
i am trying to love my body and myself even though
we are both bad at our jobs. listen i need to be feverish 
about something again. the world exhaled now i'm all alone

again. i never got to be 17 i'll always be 17 hello~
i could write a bad poem where the lesions
are little fireflies—no let's make them fairies,

twirling around in my white matter 1-2-3-4-5-6 and so on. 
do i need to love my body or is it enough
to take care of it. i gave myself the injections 

by pretending the stomach wasn't mine. 
and when i was 19 my boyfriend dumped me because
he asked me to define love and didn't like my answer. 

i think love is when the inside of your body
feels bigger than the outside of your body—
and the  first time i let somebody take my shirt 
off i almost didn't—the first time i let somebody 
take my  shirt off  i was like,  sorry sorry please 
don't touch my  stomach my  life  is about  scar 
tissue.  listen  i want to love  my body—i want a
giant shag coat that oceancrashes  behind  me. 
i  want to red  eyeshadow  green mascara PISS 
everybody off.  for now  maybe someday  is the 
best i can do.  i promised myself when  i got off 
the injections i'd get  a bellybutton piercing just 
because  i can.  i'll make it sky blue and shaped 
like  a bird. i am kissing  my knuckles while  the 
needle goes in
                                              i let  

       i               promise   myself 

                      i'll make it

conspiracy theory

i don't believe in love triangles, 
or psychic mediums, or the extra zodiac sign

that NASA keeps trying to 
wedge in,

	i don't believe in shitty wine,
or wearing brown shoes with navy pants, 

and i do not            believe in catfights, 
please            hasn't your heart ever been broken?

	in the friend way? 
i have nightmares about all the girls i used to love

okay            i shittalk
okay            i am a wounded animal. 

i don't want to be unbothered. our forever
	felt longer to me

than the forevers i said out loud. 
i mean, that time we almost kissed but didn't

	was the most sacred thing
i ever did with my lips. 

i could never laugh all-the-way
in front of someone i wanted to fuck

and maybe that's my problem, or maybe
you know            exactly what i'm talking about.

i don't believe in catfights, 
or sister-sized bras, 

or dinosaur chicken nuggets, like
if you kill something, you have to mean it. 

	and this poem
is for the girls whose hand gestures i still copy sometimes—
i feel them pass through me like ghosts. 

whatever happened
should never have happened

	and had to happen 
	and what else is a ghost? i still have nightmares 

about the girls i used to love
because i don't believe in used-to-love. 

Casey Smith recently received her MFA from the University of Tennessee. Her poems have been published in Poetry Daily, Split Lip Magazine, Peach Mag, and others. To read more, visit https://caseysmithpoet.wixsite.com/home. You can find her on Twitter @aeyoei.

Categorized as Issue Ten