By Matthew Mahoney Following the 1994 World Cup, hosted by the United States, the sport of soccer gained a great deal of momentum in a country that seemed hyper-focused on American pastimes like football, baseball, and basketball. Despite a five-year period of growth in popularity as the United States kicked off its first truly top-flight…
Author: MJE
New Policies Result in Backup at the Mexico-US Border
By Bradley Pasekoff The border between the United States and Mexico is not new to controversy. This area has become increasingly important recently due to the stances taken by some of the United States’ largest political figures. Most notably of these was President Donald Trump, who promised to build a wall spanning across the entire…
Windfall Profits Tax: How the US Government can Reimburse Consumers
By Ethan St. Pierre 2022 has been nothing short of exhausting already. The typical American consumer has been hit with fears over a possible global conflict directly after tensions over a global pandemic were seemingly beginning to settle down. Not only has this feeling of insecurity had a direct impact on consumer confidence and caused demand…
The Disconnect Between Health and Health Spending in the United States
By Meredith Rief For many, the United States represents a place of prosperity and opportunity. Globally, the United States ranks first in annual GDP, tops the list for the largest military, and ranks third in innovation. Despite boasting these advances over other nations, the United States often stumbles into last place when matched up against…
Supply Chains and Sleigh Bells – How the Pandemic Changed Holiday Shopping Forever
Written by Jared Bonebright The holiday season is one of the most joyous times of the year. Time to give thanks, be with your family and friends, and ultimately show the people closest to you how much you appreciate them. This year, however, as markets recover from COVID-19, they find themselves faced with the unique…
What Top Banks’ 2021 Third-Quarter Earnings Say About the U.S. Economy
Written by Jackson Joyce Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the American economy has been on a roller coaster. Conditions of the economy have been constantly changing, making future trends difficult to predict. However, some recent events can help shed some light on the current economic conditions in the United States. One such event…
The Death of First Class
Written by Adam Jankelowitz I. IntroductionSince the dawn of commercial aviation, airlines have sought ways to utilize price discrimination to maximize profits. With airlines initially focusing on transporting mail, passengers endured flights with numerous stops and sporadic timing. Carriers began to offer passengers more expensive tickets on non-stop flights. Ultimately, in the quest to increase…
Moderna vs Pfizer: A Market and Industry Analysis
Written by Alex Grant Over the past six months, Moderna and Pfizer have transformed themselves into household names. These two companies, which have both developed an extremely effective m-RNA based vaccine, have the potential to help bring the world out of the COVID-19 pandemic, boost the economy back to its pre-COVID levels, and save millions…