2023 Annual Pharmacological Sciences and Chemistry Symposium
Please join us!
Friday, March 24th 2023
It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 2023 Pharmacological Sciences & Bio-related Chemistry Symposiumwhich will be held onFriday, March 24thfrom 9am—5pm in theMichigan Union.
Our keynote speaker will be Lawrence Carter, Ph.D., who is the Vice President of Clinical Development at Alector. The symposium will also feature presentations relating to public policy, diversity equity and inclusion initiatives, ongoing student research, as well as a poster session (with prizes!).
The Pharmacological Sciences Training Program (PSTP) is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This annual symposium offers a forum for students across multiple disciplines to present their original research and engage in stimulating scientific discussions. As the training grant provides scientific training and financial support for select graduate students in the departments of Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences, graduate students from each department are encouraged to present their research at the poster session.
Please register for the symposium via the link below!
Registration Deadline: Friday, March 10th
A call for abstracts will be sent at a later date.
If you have any additional questions, please email the registration committee at PSTPregistration.
We look forward to seeing you there!
The PSTP Registration Committee
Adaeze Eneli
Ph.D. Candidate, Pharmaceutical Sciences
A. Schwendeman Lab
NIH T32 Pharmacological Sciences Training Program Fellow
Rackham Merit Fellow
University of Michigan | College of Pharmacy
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