Dual Degree Applicants

Dual Degree Opportunities

Our program is interdisciplinary, and for that reason many of our students have academic interests that span the university. Some Quant students opt to maximize their time at the University of Michigan by pursuing some of the many complementary degrees and graduate certificates offered here. In particular, the following programs are popular with our students and relatively simple to coordinate with the Master of Science in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management degree:

If you are interested in multiple programs at the University of Michigan, we encourage you to apply for them at the time you apply for the Quant program. The status of your application in another program will have no impact on your application to the Quant program. However, our Graduate School’s policy dictates that new students can only enroll in one program in their first semester. If admitted to multiple programs, you must choose only one to enroll in. After your first semester, you can apply to add additional programs with the consent of both departments and in accordance with the second program’s application procedures.

If you choose to initially enroll in the Quant program and are admitted to a second program later on, the Quant program will in most cases be supportive. However, because of the rigidity of our course sequences, you may have difficulty meeting the enrollment demands of a second program. Typically, students are able to double-count between 1 and 3 courses between their multiple courses, subject to the Graduate School’s policies.

Current Rackham Students

Unlike many other programs on campus, the Quant program does not accept dual degree applicants through the online Add a Degree or Certificate system. Any current U-M graduate student wishing to earn the Quant master’s degree must apply to the program with a new Rackham Graduate Application just as any external student would. The deadlines and requirements for these students is also the same. If admitted to the Quant Program, the student will need additional approval from their home department to become dual-enrolled in both programs. Dual-degree students are eligible for double-counting subject to Rackham’s guidelines and the approval of both programs.