Yicheng Jin


Headshot of Yicheng Jin

One of the first things you’ll notice about me is that I am a fast learner. I enjoy learning new things and can assimilate new ideas quickly, which enables me to adapt to a new industry in a short time. When I interned at ICBC, I was exposed to a large amount of information, including covered fields, representative companies, state of business, and business patterns. However, I took the opportunity to absorb all of the information I could get my hands on and was ultimately able to complete data analysis model to solve one of my department’s challenges.

I have high level of openness and have a wide range of interests. For example, I play many sports, including ping-pong, badminton, tennis, golf, basketball, soccer, and volleyball. My enthusiasm for exploring new fields and activities has brought me many friends.

My current interest is to using mathematical models and machine learning algorithms to develop trading strategies, which is why I chose Quantitative Finance and Risk Management as my graduate field of study. The work I am most interested in is becoming a quantitative developer at a commercial or investment bank. I hope to become an experienced practitioner and use my mathematical knowledge and innovative financial models to analyze financial markets.

jinyc@umich.edu | LinkedIn | Resume