Zoey (Ziyi) Xie


I am a passionate Quant Program student at U-M. As an undergraduate student from Nanjing University with a degree in Computer Science and Technology (Fintech concentration), I’m equipped with a lot of fundamental skills in the field of quantitative finance, and I’m eager to put them to use in all possible opportunities. I’m now seeking quant internships for summer  2022.

My first glimpse at the field of quantitative finance happened during my accidental participation in a seminar, where I was surprised by  the appeal of quant.  Later on, I was increasingly attracted by this field and ultimately decided to invest myself in it fully. Propelled by my academic interests, I hope to become an excellent quantitative analyst within five years upon graduation.

Outside of school, I like dancing, playing table tennis and cooking (although not particularly good at it yet). I am also interested in all new and exciting things and activities.

ziyixie@umich.edu | LinkedIn | Resume