

 I am currently accepting students with interests in the following general areas. If you are a PhD student at the Statistics department, feel free to drop me a line or stop by my office if interested to learn more.

  • Statistics of Extremes – theory, methodology and/or applications.
  • Data structures and algorithms for multi-gigabit network traffic streams.  Joint project with Dr Michalis Kallitsis (Merit Network).
  • Computational Risk Management – apply optimization theory and large-scale computing to study the effect of statistical dependence on various portfolio risk measures.


  • Rafail Kartsioukas, PhD candidate 2018.
    Topic: Topics on Extremes, Spectral Inference, and Functional Data.
  • Andrew Yarger, PhD candidate 2019 (co-supervised with Tailen Hsing)
    Topic: Functional data methods with applications to oceanography.
  • Moritz Korte-Stapff, PhD candidate 2021 (co-supervised with Tailen Hsing)
  • Topic: Spatial and space-time functional data models. 


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