How to Learn A Foreign Language

10/13/14 South Quad Dining Hall.

General remarks 1.       Repetition.  Although repetition in learning a foreign language can be boring, it is key to your success. Many studies on language acquisition show that very high numbers of repetition are necessary for a word to become truly owned and in your long term memory. This is why so many language classrooms require choral…

How to Succeed in BIO 171

7/31/13 Behind-the-scenes images and stock photography during the shooting of a PSA commercial.

First, read the suggestions in the syllabus. Then, check out these tips. Knowledge and Comprehension Assume you need to learn everything on the lecture slides (unless told otherwise). In science, the wording is important. Until you comprehend the intricacies of scientific language, assume that the terms really are important – the lecturer probably picked his/her words…

How to Succeed in ECON 101 and 102

3/8/18 Student life Stock photography taken on North Campus

Econ 101 Study Tips from Paula Malone and Jan Gerson Read the text before lecture.  Copy the online lecture slides into your coursepack before lecture.  Attend lecture.  Listen attentively, respond to prof’s questions, and ask questions  When confused in lecture.  Take notes in lecture as if there were no PowerPoint.  Rewrite these notes and redraw…

How to Succeed in MATH 105, 115 and 116

3/8/18 Student life Stock photography taken on North Campus

THE most important thing to consider when signing up for any of these courses is your math placement score.  If you feel you have placed into the wrong course, please ask your orientation advisor to send you to the Math Placement Advisor.  

Strategies to Use After Reading

Employ organizational strategies. Connect material to your prior knowledge and aid you in seeing the connections between different ideas and materials, after you have read. Concept Maps This technique enables you to see the relationships between ideas and facts and should reflect how you think about the subject. Start by listing the key ideas, concepts,…

Strategies to Use While You Are Reading

Use active reading strategies to connect new information with prior knowledge. Elaborate on the material to connect it to your prior knowledge and lead to further inquiry into the topic. Mark up the text while you read. This involves much more than highlighting or underlining passages that you think are significant. You should write notes…

Strategies to Use Before You Read

4/17/12 Student Erin Kirkland studies into the next day in the Law School Reading Room during a Day in the Life of the University of Michigan on April 17, 2012.

Start by setting goals every time you read. Your goal should be to comprehend the important ideas and significant material in the reading. Begin with a goal for your reading session. Things to think about when setting your goals: What is the purpose of the assignment? Understanding the purpose for an assignment is key to…