Translation Networks


An interdisciplinary team of researchers has developed Translation Networks for running games and other instructional applications for humanities classrooms. The core functionality of Translation Networks allows users to build networks by making connections between items such as books, websites, board games and museum objects that users save in custom collections. The flexibility of the connections and networks facilitates complex analysis of relationships between collected items such those based on author, language, and location. Translation Networks was conceived to enable analyses of translated works in a college course setting, but also forms the basis for Collect Connect, a game for mobile devices that encourages users to make connections between items found in library and museum collections.

Learn More about Translation Networks

Screenshot of the Translation Networks created in COMP LIT 322: translating world literatures.
Screenshot of the Translation Networks created in COMP LIT 322: translating world literatures.

Learn More about Collect Connect

Mockup for the multiplayer version of collect connect featuring the Apsara Warrior
Mockup for the multiplayer cross-platform version of collect connect featuring the Apsara Warrior.
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