Welcome to Linux-For-Windows made for the Zimmerman group!
This page provides the walk-through to setup a LUbuntu based virtual box system designed for group users with windows OS. The virtual box is setup to run all needed software for performing day to day computational chemistry in the Zimmerman group.
Important recent changes:
1) Streamlined and optimized version of LUbuntu
2) Removed rolling updates. Package installation should be easier.
3) x11 and Forwardx11 can be accessed by adding the -Y at the end of the host address to athena
To install please do the following:
- Download most recent version of virtualbox from their website: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
- If you have issues launching the machine, try navigating to Lubuntu > settings > system and check the radio button “enable PAE”
- Download the preconfigured vbox appliance from this link: (Warning: large file 2.6 gb)
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8PNqibs0RsbZG1jZl9MZ2w0Vm8/view?usp=sharing
- Install virtualbox.exe
- Once installed navigate to > file > import appliance
- Select the downloaded Lubuntu appliance
- Settings for this system should configure automatically, normal users will not need to change anything. If you are dealing with RAM restictions (old computer) just lower the setting to a minimum of 1gb ram.
- Launch the virtual machine by clicking LUbuntu in the oracle VM application
- Su password: “password” – this should be updated ASAP
- To do this (The > sign in the following line refers to the start prompt of a terminal):
> sudo passwd root
- To do this (The > sign in the following line refers to the start prompt of a terminal):
- You will be prompted to enter the current password. It is “password”
- Enter a new secure root unix password
- Update your user password
- To do this:
> passwd
- To do this:
- The current password is “password”
- Enter a new secure USER password (it is suggested that this be different than the root password for security)
- Note: You should have “sudo” access using the new Apollo username and password. If you don’t know what this is, google “sudo”
Other setup help:
- An example .bashrc is included in Apollo home directory. For use and other options please consult the internet or your favorite person.
- Windows folder access through LUbuntu/Virtual box:
- If you would like to have access to windows folders on your virtual machine (the newly installed LUbuntu) the following instructions will help you set it up.
- This gives you the ability to transfer local files to Athena and vice-versa.
- Shut down the virtual machine if it is running
- Right click LUbuntu in Oracle VM virtual box manager
- Navigate to settings > shared folders
- Click the green +folder icon on the right side
- Select the “auto mount” radio button and add the folder you would like to share between the machines
- Launch the virtual machine
- The next step places “soft links” in your home directory to make access to the shared folder easier
- create a soft link:
> ln -s /media/<folderName> /home/apollo/<yourNewFolderName>
- create a soft link:
- If you would like to have access to windows folders on your virtual machine (the newly installed LUbuntu) the following instructions will help you set it up.
- If this is your first setup and you don’t have access to Athena you need to generate an SSH key and send the .pub file to David Braun (dlbraun@umich.edu)
- Navigate to your home directory
> cd
- Navigate to your home directory
- Generate an ssh key
> ssh-keygen
- Generate an ssh key
- Follow the instructions, if you change the name of the id_rsa and id_rsa.pub file please make note of this.
- Do not use a blank password for you RSA key. Yes it seems inconvenient but it is for the security of the server.
- Copy the .pub file from ~/.ssh/ directory
- Email the id_rsa.pub file (or whatever you named the .pub file) to David and request access to Athena (you need permission from Paul Zimmerman to get access to Athena!)
- Additional setup information can be found on the Zimmerman group website.