Keynote Addresses:
- University of Notre Dame. MCAA Presidential Roundtable. “Asian Studies and Global Affairs: Examining New Agendas.” September 14, 202
- Marquette University. Pere Marquette Lecture in Theology (2023). “Philosophical Reflections on Śabad (Word)”., WI. April 30th
- Spalding Symposium 2022. Keynote Address: “A Sikh Perspective on Consciousness, Death and Immortality”, April 22-24, 2022
- University of California (Irvine). Dhan Kaur Sahota Presidential Chair of Sikh Studies / Inaugural Lecture in Sikh Studies. “Exploring Logics of (Non)Violence in Sikh Thought”
- University of California (Riverside) – “Guru Nanak in the Arena of Global Thought”, for conference: Guru Nanak in a Global Age (May 2nd to 5th 2019)
- University of Edinburgh, for Conference: Translation and Religion: Interrogating Concepts, Methods and Practices, “
Complicating Contact Zones”, University of Edinburgh, September 1-3 2016 - Northwestern University, Keynote Address for Conference: “Specters, Hauntings, Presences, Sikhs and Specters of the West”, October 7th to 9th 2016
- Westminster College, Keynote Address at the Philosophy Graduate Conference, “Untimely Encounters”, March 23rd-24th 2015
- University of Manitoba, “Un-inheriting the Religion Secular Dialectic: The Case of the Sikhs”. Keynote Address for the Symposium on Religion and Popular Practice in South Asia, University of Manitoba, March 7th to 8th
- University of Michigan (2011). Inaugural Lecture: “Sikh Studies and the Secular University: Past Engagements, Future Orientations”. Rackham Ampitheater,
- University of London (SOAS). Jordan Lectures in Comparative Religion (2009)
- University of California (Berkeley): Key note Address for the conference on Translating Cultures: Sikh and Punjab Studies in Global Perspective, November 11th-12th 2005
Invited Lectures
- “Sikh Responses to Racialized Gun Violence in America”. For the symposium: Impossible Conversations. Penny Stamps School of Art and Design. University of Michigan. Jan 18th.
- Transversality/Diasporcity” for Critical Conversations. Positionality. Department of English, UofM. Jan 16th 2025.
- American Academic of Religion. “Prohibited Speech: Colonialism, Blasphemy Laws, and Communal Violence.” Marginalia Review of Books
- University of London (King’s College); AKC Lecture Series (AKC Conversation on Sikh Philosophy). Feb. 28th, 5-6pm GMT (Online)
- Geneva Center for Human Rights, Advancement, and Global Dialogue. SHRG. New Perspectives for an International Approach to Counter Religious Hatred and Promote Fundamental Freedoms. April 24th, 2024
- University of California, Santa Barbara. Race, Law, Religion Conference (TBA). May 8th-10th, 2024
- University of Calgary. “Sikh Studies and the Critical Humanities: Past Engagements — Future Orientations.” June 14th-17th, 2024.
- University of California, Berkeley. Graduate Theological Union. AUM Conference. “‘Gurmat’ and Therapy in an Era of the Neuronal Self.” August 10th, 2024
- University of Warwick, UK. “gurmat as a Philosophical-Praxis of Healing.” Aug. 17th, 2024
- University of Notre Dame. MCAA Presidential Roundtable. “Asian Studies and Global Affairs: Examining New Agendas.” September 14, 2024
- American Academy of Religion. San Diego. November 2024
- University of Toronto. Public Lecture: Sikh Philosophy & the Diasporic Impulse. March 20th 2023.
- University of Toronto. Masterclass/Graduate Seminar (Thinking Dwelling Between Cultures). March 21st 2023
- Gurmat Therapy-1 (UK). “Sabad and Gian”. March 4th
- Book Review Forum (Naad Pargaas). Discussion Around Sikh Philosophy: Gurmat Concepts in a Decolonizing Age. April 1st
- United Nations, Economic & Social Council (NY);. “Pluriversal Epistemologies to Support Sustainable Development” Commission on Population and Development. April 11-12
- Pere Marquette Lecture in Theology (2023). “Philosophical Reflections on Śabad (Word)”. Marquette University, WI. April 30th
- University of California (Riverside). *the International Conference in Sikh Studies. “Dialogues on Race and Religion in the USA”. May 6-7
- Gurmat Therapy-2 (UK). “Consciousness.” May 13th
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. “Sikh Philosophy: Exploring Gurmat Concepts in a Decolonizing World.” Lecture and Class Discussion. May 25th.
- Parliament of World Religions. Chicago. August 18
- University of Michigan, Geophilosophies Workshop. September 8th-9th 2023
- Vancouver Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies. “De-Cathexis and the Global Fiduciary”. October 15th 2023 (Online Lecture).
- University of Michigan, Book Release: Sundari (with Naad Pargaas, USA). Oct. 28th 2023
- American Academy of Religion (Annual Meeting). November 2023.
- Author Meets Critics Panel
- Panel on Postcolonial Theory and Decolonial theory
- Podcasts
- Sikh Archive: ‘Violence & the Sikhs’ Feb 28th
- Ramblings of a Sikh: RSW (May/June)
- New Philosophy Books, Conversation around Sikh Philosophy (Bloomsbury 2022). March 14th.
- Punjab University, Chandigarh. Book Discussion & Workshop around Violence & the Sikhs, Naad Pargaas, July 10th, 2022.
- IX Creative Theory Colloquium 2022, Religion, Politics & the Notion of Spirituality. “Religion as Aporia”, September 10th 2022.
- Punjabi University Patiala, Center for Diaspora Studies, Book Discussion and Response around Violence and the Sikhs, Aug 26th 2022.
- American Academy of Religion [Annual Meeting], Hindu Philosophy and Sikh Studies Group. Round Table Around Arvind-Pal Mandair’s new book Sikh Philosophy, Denver, Colorado, Nov. 19-21, 2022
- South Asia Conference. University of Wisconsin – Madison. Oct. 19-20, 2022
- University of Michigan Workshop on Race, Law, and Asian American Religions. Department of American Studies. September 28-30, 2022
- Spalding Symposium 2022. Keynote Address: “A Sikh Perspective on Consciousness, Death and Immortality”, April 22-24, 2022
- University of California, Santa Cruz, “Epistemic Empowerment: Sikh Philosophy and Cognitive Decolonization”, Aurora Lecture, April 21, 2022
- Emory University, “Rethinking Sikh Violence and non-Violence in Post-Partition India”. Paper presented at the Religion & Its Publics in South Asia Conference, Emory University, Feb 24-25, 2022
- University of California, Riverside Conference on the Future of Sikh Studies (May 7th, 2021)
- World Parliament of Religions, “Sikh Eco-Philosophy” (Oct. 17th, 2021)
- Conversation on Sikh Studies with Dr. Mark Jurgensmeyer (August, 2021)
- Center for Diaspora Studies, Punjabi University Patiala, “Tribute for Dr. Darshan Singh Tatla” (August 23rd, 2021)
- University of California, Riverside Conference on the Future of Sikh Studies (May 7th, 2021)
- Sikh Human Rights Group Conference (Apr. 28th, 2021)
- Habib University (Pakistan) Reparative Futures: Post-Colonial Higher Education Conference (Mar. 25th, 2021)
- Geophilosophies Workshop (TBA, 2021)
- Dil Se, Discussion Series on Mental Health (May 25th, 2021)
- Michigan State University, Practices of Faith and Mental Health (May 10th, 2021)
- Michigan State University, Anti-South Asian Violence, White Supremacy, and Xenophobia (Apr. 27th, 2021)
- Sikh Community Panel at Chicago, Illinois (Apr. 23rd, 2021)
- University of Michigan (ALC), Sikhs, Think-Tanks, Resistances (Apr. 9th, 2021)
- Detroit Public TV: Guru Nanak The Founder of Sikhism Life & Legacy Documentary (Dec. 4th, 2020)
- University of California (Irvine), Inaugural Sikh Studies Lecture, Exploring Logics of (non-) Violence (Dec. 4th, 2020)
- Wayne State University Panel: Understanding the Farmer’s Agitations (Oct. 10th, 2020)
- American History Association (Jan 3rd, 2019), Chicago, USA
- University of Vienna (November 14th – 15th 2019)
- Wolverhampton University, “Diasporic Logics” conference presentation at Inaugural Conference for Sikh & Punjab Studies Centre, September 1st to 3rd, 2019.
- University of California (Riverside) – Keynote Address (May 2nd to 5th 2019)
- University of Warwick (UK) – Conference on (April 27th 2019)
- University of Colombo, Sri Lanka (Dec 6th-8th 2019) – event postponed due to terrorist bombings.
- Paths to Liberation Conference, Austrian Academy of Science and Arts, November 27-28th, 2019
- “Sikh Mysticism”, Lecture for Interfaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit, November 29th 2019
- Detroit Interfaith Lecture Series, November 28th
- University of Michigan, Introduction to “Reclaiming Diasporicity” Conference, September 29th/30th 2018.
- University of Michigan, “Talking about Mind” introduction for Mind/Brain/Consciousness Workshop”, April 26th 2018.
- Loyola Marymount University, “War Machines” an Invited Lecture for Conference: Spiritual Warriors, Loyola Marymount University, Feb 23rd to 24th 2017.
- University of California, Riverside, Invited Lecture “Untimely Encounters” for Fifth Sikh Studies Conference Sikhs and South Asians in the Public Sphere: Precarious Minorities and the New Global Politics of Religion.
- Loyola Marymount, “Introduction to the Feminisms Roundtable”, Los Angeles, Feb 25th 2017.
- Detroit Lecture Series, Lecture 10: “Rethinking Violence in Sikhism” August 12th 2017.
- University of Edinburgh, Keynote Address, for Conference: Translation and Religion: Interrogating Concepts, Methods and Practices, “Complicating Contact Zones”, University of Edinburgh, September 1-3 2016.
- Virginia Tech, “Timing States: Untimely Event” lecture at conference Humanities Without Borders, Virginia Tech, Department of Religion, April 15th, 2016
- University of Michigan, Event Encounters Workshop, “Diaspora Machines”, Michigan League, June 15th 2016.
- Northwestern University, Keynote Address for Conference: “Specters, Hauntings, Presences, Sikhs and Specters of the West”, October 7th to 9th 2016.
- American Academy of Religion Meeting, Roundtable on Saba Mahmood’s Religious Difference in a Secular Age, Secularism and Secularity Group, November 20th 2016.
- American Academy of Religion Meeting, “History and Philosophy in Sikh Studies” lecture for the Sikh Studies Group, November 21st 2016.
- “Complicating Contact Zones”, University of Edinburgh, September 1-3rd, 2016
- Northwestern University, Keynote Address for Conference: “Specters, Hauntings, Presences, Sikhs and Specters of the West”, October 7-9th, 2016
- Westminister College, Keynote Address at the Philosophy Graduate Conference, “Untimely Encounters”, March 23rd-24th 2015.
- University of Michigan, “Teaching Sikhism”, Introduction for the Workshop on Teaching Sikhism, December 5th-6th, 2015
- Public Outreach Lecture Series
- Detroit Lecture Series, Lecture 5: “The Khalsa”, Hidden Falls Center, Detroit, Michigan, Jan 2015.
- Detroit Lecture Series, Lecture 6: Modernity and Colonialism 1” Hidden Falls Center, Detroit, Michigan, Jan 2015.
- Detroit Lecture Series, Lecture 7: Modernity and Colonialism 2” Hidden Falls Center, Detroit, Michigan, Jan 2015.
- Detroit Lecture Series, Lecture 8: Modernity and Colonialism 3” Hidden Falls Center, Detroit, Michigan, Jan 2015.
- Detroit Lecture Series, Lecture 9: “What is Gurmat?”, Hidden Falls Center, Detroit, Michigan, Jan 2015.
- University of Manitoba, “Un-inheriting the Religion Secular Dialectic: The Case of the Sikhs”. Keynote Address for the Symposium on Religion and Popular Practice in South Asia, University of Manitoba, March 7th to 8th.
- Marygrove College, “Sikhs and Secularism”, Scholars Colloquy, Marygrove College, Detroit. Oct 2014
- Uppsala University, “Sovereign Contradictions” for the Conference Modern Government, Sovereignty and the Category of Religion at Uppsala University Conference, May 8th – 10th, 2014.
- Carleton University, “Framing the Sikhs”, for the conference Deconstructing the Myth of Religious Violence, Carleton University, Canada, Violence Conference,
- Hofstra University, “Violence as Event”, Conference on Violence and 1984, October 2014.
- Virginia Tech, “Violence and Secularism: Rethinking 1984”, invited lecture at Virginia Tech, Nov 4th 2014
- Detroit Lecture Series, Lecture 2: “Guru Nanak in History”, first monthly lecture for Detroit Sikh Community, Hidden Falls Community Center, Plymouth, December 15th 2013.
- Detroit Lecture Series, Lecture 3: “The Early Sikh Gurus”, Second monthly lecture for Detroit Sikh Community, Hidden Falls Community Center, Plymouth, January, 2014.
- Detroit Lecture Series, Lecture 4: “The Later Sikh Gurus”, Detroit Sikh Community, Hidden Falls
- Oxford University, Spalding Symposium, “ Virtual Sovereignty: Violence and Finitude in the Khalsa Myth”, April 5th-7th 2013; Merton College, Oxford.
- University of California, Riverside, 3rd Sikh Studies Conference. Invited Lecture, “Sikh Philosophy as a Practice of Everyday Life”, May 2013.
- London, Sikh Educational Conference “Sikh Studies: Bringing Together University and Grassroots Education” – lecture at Sikh Educational Conference, London, July 18th 2013.
- American of Academy Annual Meeting, “Theorizing Encounter”, AAR Annual Meeting in Baltimore, History of Ideas Group. November 19th, 2013.
- Hidden Falls Lecture Series, Lecture 1: Plymouth, Michigan December 6th 2013.
- American Academy of Religion, North American Religions Sections, Panel on Fessenden’s Culture and Redemption, November 2012.
- University of Michigan, Center For South Asian Studies, “Vulnerable Minorities” Teach In. September 2012.
- University of British Columbia, Law and Society Lecture Series, “Religion and the Specter of the West: A Conversation With Arvind-pal S. Mandair”, November 14th 2012.
- University of British Columbia, “reflections on Oak Creek”, Law Building, Nov 15th. 2012.
- University of Michigan, “Sikh Studies and the Secular University”, Inaugural Lecture for the Endowed Chair in Sikh Studies, Rackham Amphitheater, Dec. 8th 2011.
- American Academy of Religion Meeting, “Response to Discussion on Religion and the Specter of the West”
- American Academy of Religion Meeting (DANAM Session), “Sovereignty and the Khalsa”
- U.C. Berkeley, Roundtable and Symposium on Religion and the Specter of the West, June 19th-20th, 2010.
- Hofstra University, “Gurmat Sangeet” presentation for a workshop on Sikh Music and Hermenutics May 21st 2010.
- Sikh Foundation of Michigan Annual Lecture, Detroit, “Sikhs and Violence”, May 14th 2010.
- SOAS, University of London, Jordan Lectures in Comparative Religion (2009):
- Lecture 1: “Frames of Comparison: Nihilism and the Modern Sikh Imaginary” November. 30th
- Lecture 2: “Beyond Theism and Atheism: Re-interpreting the Creation Myth in Sikh Literature”, December 1st,
- Lecture 3: “Guru-as-Word: Language, Music and Subjectivity in the Adi Granth”, December 2nd
- Lecture 4: “Mourning Sovereignty: Finitude and Sacred Violence in the Myth of the Khalsa” , Dec. 3rd
- Lecture 5: “Secularism & Political Violence: Rethinking Discourses of Sikh Ethno-nationalism”, Dec. 4th
- UF, Experts Meeting, presented paper on “Sikhism and karma”, October 31st – 2nd Nov 2009.
- University of Wisconsin (Madison), Panel Presentation on “Sikh Ethnonationalism”, October 2009.
- U.C. Berkeley, organized the workshop and presented paper on “Sikhs and 1984”, September 2009.
- University of Birmingham (UK), “Mourning Sovereignty: Rethinking Sikh Ethno-nationalism”, May 2009.
- University of California (Berkeley), “Sikhs and Public Space”, May 31st –June 2nd 2007.
- Lebanon Valley College, “Religion, Secularism and Indian Democracy”, April 18th 2007.
- Imperial College (University of London), “Sikhs in the UK: Fact Fiction and Future”, April 5th 2006.
- University of Michigan (Ann Arbor): “The Politics of Non-Duality: Unravelling Modern Sikh Hermeneutics”, South Asian Studies, December 9th 2005.
- University of California (Berkeley): Key note Address for the conference on Translating Cultures: Sikh and Punjab Studies in Global Perspective, November 11th-12th 2005.
- University of California (Irvine), “The Repetition of Past Imperialisms”, Centre for Critical Theory.
- Stony Brook University, “The Ontotheologic of South Asian Studies”, India Studies Center, April, 2004.
- Oxford University: 27th Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions, “Reconstituting Gurmat: Time and Subjectivity in the Sikh Reformist Discourses”, March 27th-29th 2002.
- San Diego: Nov. 19th 2007, Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Paper Presented “Repetition Without Origin”.
- Boston: March 25th 2007 Association of Asian Studies, Annual Meeting.
- “Repetition Without Origins” in panel on Time and History in South Asian Pasts.
- Philadelphia: November 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Two separate 1000 word proposals accepted through blind peer review for presentation in:
- Panel A21 (World)-Religionization: The Politics of Religion Making, jointly sponsored by the Comparative Studies in Religion and the Critical Discourses on Religion Groups;
- Panel A22: Empire, Globalization and Religion: Interactions With Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, sponsored by the Continental Philosophy and Theology Group.
- Atlanta: November 2003 Annual Meeting of American Academy of Religion, 1000 word Proposal Accepted through Blind Review for Presentation in Panel A119: Theology and Religious Reflection Section: Panel theme: Religion and Post-Colonialism.
- Toronto: November 2002 Annual Meeting of American Academy of Religion. 1000 word Proposal Accepted through Peer Review Process for presentation at Panel A173: Philosophy of Religion, Critical Theory and Discourses on Religion Section.
- Madison: October 2005 “Discursive Formations of Sikhness” presented at The 34th Annual Conference on South Asia, University of Wisconsin.
- University of Leeds, “South Asians in Britain”, International Workshop: 17th December 2002.
- Buxton (UK), Religion and Violence: An International Workshop, “Pathologies of the Modern Sikh Imaginary: Violence, Separatism and the ‘Middle Ground’ of Sikhism”, September 1st –3rd, 2002.
- University of Lancaster: Continental Philosophy of Religion, Panel Presentation: “Theorizing Religions”, July 2000.
- Hofstra University, International Workshop on Sikhism and Critical Theory, “Transcendence and Singh Sabha Theology: Redefining the Terms of the Critical”, September 13th, 2002.
- Birmingham University October 25th 2003: Beyond the Politics of Recognition: Rethinking Sikh-Christian Dialogue” Paper to be presented at International Conference on “Sikhism and Inter-religious Relations”.
- Union Theological Seminary, International Conference on Conflict Resolution: A Dialogue Among Cultures and Religions, “Rhetorics of Conflict and Love in Guru Gobind Singh’s Literature”, April 20-21, 2002.
- United Nations, Geneva, Plenary Session on Race and Multiculturalism, April 2000.