Welcome and thank you for visiting my digital home! By way of introduction my name is Arvind-Pal S. Mandair and I teach at the University of Michigan in the department of Asian Languages and Cultures. My research and teaching interests include cross-cultural philosophy, consciousness studies, religion and spirituality and politics, especially in their applications to Sikh and South Asian studies.
This website is for purely academic and educational purposes. I created this website to share news and information about my research publications, the classes I’m teaching and public lectures. It is also home to some of my major projects, in particular, the journal I run (Sikh Formations), as well as my blog and podcast activity.
This website is for purely educational purposes and compliments Professor Mandair’s personal site which can be found by clicking the link below. For the most up-to-date information about his work, projects, blog posts etc, please visit arvindpalmandair.com.