Book Series

Routledge Critical Studies in Translation and Religion

About: To what extent are ‘religions’ constituted or transformed by acts of translation? What can translation concepts and practices tell us about the way religions travel, intersect with social and cultural domains to construct communities of belonging and difference? While we know that religions routinely translate from one cultural context to another, and across space and time, how exactly or indeed what elements of religions may be selected for translation, by whom and for what purpose has not been studied comparatively. The Religions in Translation series seeks to engage with key issues and debates in the study of religion through the critical lens of translation.

This book series is intended as a forum for original interdisciplinary research at the intersection of the study of religion and translation studies. Rather than produce a translation of a ‘sacred’ text or treat existing translations of sacred texts as mere ‘contextual facts’ assisting analysis of content, authors are invited to engage with translation as a key interpretative mode that shapes the contents, purpose and function of a text or phenomenon perceived as sacred. This constitutive role of translation has potential to invigorate religious studies to study the construction, transmission and perpetuation of the sacred from fresh perspectives as well as approach the study of religions with a new critical framework.

This series aims to bring together scholars from the two disciplines to provide a comprehensive overview of relevant theories, methods and themes in the subfield of translation and religion. Authors will employ a wide range of comparative and critical tools in order to re-evaluate the role of language and translation in the construction of religious concepts and identities.

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Routledge Critical Sikh Studies

About: Routledge Critical Sikh StudiesEncounters Across the Disciplines is an interdisciplinary book series dedicated to publishing new and innovative research on Sikh formations in the Punjabi and wider global context. Key to the approach of this series is the concept of ‘encounter’, which can be applied to Sikh Studies in two ways. First, that the term ‘Sikh’ designates a critical point of intersection with the world, and secondly, that the so-called ‘Sikh world’ has itself evolved through constant encounters: material, conceptual and spiritual.

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Related Book Series

Dr. Arvind-Pal Mandair also serves as Advisory Editorial Board member for the following book series

Sophia Studies in Cross-cultural Philosophy of Traditions and Cultures

Critical Perspectives on Religion in International Politics