
Primary Materials

Callaway County Court:

State of Missouri v. Celia, a Slave, Circuit Clerk File 4496, Callaway County Court, October Term, 1855

Kingdom of Callaway Historical Society:

Robert Newsom Estate Papers

Probate Records

Original Land Entries for Callaway County, Missouri. A transcription from the original as recorded by George W, Boardman, Register, Federal Land Office, Boonville, Missouri, August 29, 1886.

 State Historical Society of Missouri:

Newspaper Collection

Washington University in St. Louis Libraries, Special Collections:

Papers of Margaret Bush Wilson

Works of Art:

Pawley, Thomas, III. Song of the Middle River (play), 2003

Thurman, Solomon. Celia, 1995 (portrait) ( 

Thurman, Solomon. The Face of Celia: A Story of the Events and Research Surrounding my Search for The Face of Celia. (1995)

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