
In my first year of teaching at the University of Michigan, I have taught a freshman seminar on Climate and Humans (EARTH144) and a graduate workshop on Communicating Your Science (EARTH596). These materials are linked through Canvas; email me if you’d like more information.

I taught for 18 years at the University of Arizona. My UA teaching encompassed broad classes in oceanography and global change, as well as more focused disciplinary seminars for graduate students on paleoclimate topics. I have recently begun to incorporate science communication into my graduate teaching. The classes listed below have web sites for recent incarnations:


Ocean Sciences (lab and lecture course for undergraduate science majors; joint with A. Cohen). Recent class websites are protected, but here’s a link to an older version (2007). Photos at right are from our field trip to California, where we encounter cool creatures from the deep.

Global Change – for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students in natural science and related disciplines; joint with Scott Saleska (2006-10, 2013-6) and Jonathan Overpeck (2011). 2016 class web page.

Paleoclimatology (lecture/discussion course for graduate students; joint with J. Overpeck). 2015 class web page.

Seminar: Current Topics and Debates in Paleoclimatology – for graduate students in paleoclimate (taught jointly, usually with Jonathan Overpeck). This changed every year; in spring 2009 we focused on drought in western North America; in 2010 we taught on “Global Change Controversies, Real and Imagined” which included a component of communication training. Past years’ seminars have focused on IPCC-relevant paleoscience, North Atlantic, Asian Monsoon, and North American Monsoon topics.

Clearing the Air: Arizona’s Voice for Environmental Science – in 2012 I taught this seminar on communicating environmental science with Chris Cokinos (UA English Dept.). This seminar was supported by a Udall Fellowship and the Institute of the Environment. Class web page. A similar class, the Global Change Toolkit, was taught in 2016 for Global Change PhD minors, linked here.

I have taught large introductory classes in Oceanography (2000-2004, UA) and Global Change (1995-1999, CU-Boulder). At CU I also taught undergraduate classes on biogeochemical cycles and on Earth system modeling, and graduate seminars on assorted paleoclimate topics.