ROIs in our 2016 Brain and Language paper: A supplement to the supplement

Our Abstract linguistic structure paper, published in Brain & Language in 2016, featured an ROI analysis based on individual-subject peaks. We give the peak coordinates in MNI coordinates in the supplemental material. But, I’ve recently been thinking a bit more about spatial sub-divisions of the left anterior and left posterior temporal lobes, especially as they might relate to semantic and/or syntactic composition. If you’re like me, you can’t just read MNI coordinates and recognize “Oh, those ATL ROIs are all clustering along the middle temporal gyrus” or whatever. So, I made a visualization of all of the individual subject peaks that were used to define the ROIs used in that paper. The figure shows, in part, that the peaks are relatively evenly clustered across the macro-anatomical ROIs that we defined.

I really wish I we had included something like this in the original paper.  I suppose the next best thing is to simply share the figure here!

Note: Each MNI coordinate from Table S1 of the supplementary material is shown in relation to the fsaverage pial surfaces distributed with FreeSurfer version 6.0.