
As any experimental data requires explanations supported by theory, we like to work on them in our group as well! Moreover, sometimes these studies that combine various analytical and numerical techniques may lead to standalone projects and/or serve as a basis for new experimental directions (see, e.g., our idea of ponderomotive optical lattices or, more recently, proposal of novel atom interferometer).

Other prominent examples include:

Quantum states [(a)-(c)] and the corresponding adiabatic potentials (d) that occur as a result of Rydberg atoms dynamics in ponderomotive optical lattice [from here]
  • first prediction of novel type of Rydberg molecule consisting of Rydberg atom and ion and analysis of its internal nonadiabatic dynamics
Sketch of the Rydberg-atom-ion molecule
  • properties of Rydberg atoms and ways to utilize them for quantum sensing, control and quantum information science
Decision tree to select the appropriate gauge for calculations of Rydberg-Rydberg electric-dipole transition matrix elements [from here]

Despite the main thrust of our group being of experimental nature, the students are welcome to work on theoretical projects as well and we always have fresh ideas!

Recent Publications