Read the latest paper from our lab published in Developmental Cell!
Read the latest paper from our lab published in Nature Aging!
Read Dr. Jakob’s latest review on the fundamentals of redox regulation!
The Jakob lab is focused on two broad aspects
I. Understanding the events that take place early in life that determine mechanisms that influence aging and long term stress resistance
II. Uncovering the secrets of an ancient and ubiquitous biopolymer – Inorganic Polyphosphate
Learn more about the projects of Dr. Jakob and her researchers in a recent Michigan Daily and Scientific American article!
Meet Dr. Ursula Jakob, who was featured in ASBMB today
Biological Sciences Building
Room 5022
1105 N. University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
ph | 734.615.1286
lab ph | 734.647.6683
fax | 734.647.0884
Latest News
- Review: Fundamentals of redox regulation in biology
- Redox heterogeneity in mouse embryonic stem cells individualizes cell fate decisions
- Early life changes in histone landscape protect against age-associated amyloid toxicities through HSF-1-dependent regulation of lipid metabolism
- U-M researchers discover stress in early life extends lifespan
- Versatile protein helps cells survive oxidative stress
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